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L2Phx Br1nk Mod v1.0 (based on l2phx 3.1.8)Exploit!!!!

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Rapidshare----> http://rapidshare.com/files/80051271/l2phx318b.rar.html


To begin, I would like to thank xkor'a for the excellent platform to intercept packets L2.

All started with the fact that I wrote the script, so you can maintain skill in the file, and then load them and teach, but the management of chat without GUI me uncomfortable, and the extra computation in a cycle of receiving and sending packages badly affect ping. Why Frank with a script when you have invoked?, And I thought useful to the site) ... finally get the following: clear why this should be .. At servers to teach other people's skill can be taught skills cap, GM-skill, RB-skill, etc.

So, we learned the skills 300, admincheg zobanil us here, and teach happen again) .. Now, you can make a copy of skills, and then download them, also can be added to the database for further study skills .. You can include auto and not anymore) ..

Tested on the server interluda.net x1200 (mirror - tbs.org.ru).

Handling package, and other computations occur in a separate thread, so as not to disturb the exchange of data between the server and client.

Wishes and found bugs post here) is not strictly judged) on Kodil

----------->L2Phx Codes http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15556.0<------------


Photo http://dump.ru/dumpru_images/769351.jpg


yes i know i write (Sorry is not Good Translation

If someone can transale it..tell me thanks or if is somethink wrong)

NS when he log?


If  someone know russian to translate it its here :D

Для начала хочу поблагодарить xkor'a за отличную платформу для перехвата пакетов L2.

Началось все с того, что я написал скрипт, чтобы можно было сохранять скиллы в файл, а потом загружать их и учить, но управление из чата без ГУИ мне показалось неудобным, да и лишние вычисления в цикле приема и отправки пакетов плохо сказываются на пинге. Зачем париться со скриптом, когда есть сорцы?, подумал я и полез на сайт)... в итоге получилось следующее: Поясню, зачем это надо.. На серверах, позволяющих учить чужие скиллы зачастую можно учить скиллы мобов, ГМ-скиллы, РБ-скиллы и т.п.

Так вот, выучили мы 300 скиллов, тут нас админчег зобанил, а учить заново влом).. Теперь же можно сделать копию скиллов, а потом загрузить их, также можно добавлять в БД скиллы для последующего изучения.. можно включить автосохранение и вообще не париться)..

Тестировалось на сервере interluda.net x1200 (зеркало - tbs.org.ru).

Обработка пакета и прочие вычисления происходят в отдельном потоке, чтобы не мешать обмену данных между сервером и клиентом.

Пожелания и найденные баги постить сюда) Строго не судить) Кодил по


Traduction by google  ;D



To begin, I would like to thank xkor'a for the excellent platform to intercept packets L2.

All started with the fact that I wrote the script, so you can maintain skill in the file, and then load them and teach, but the management of chat without GUI me uncomfortable, and the extra computation in a cycle of receiving and sending packages badly affect ping. Why Frank with a script when you have invoked?, And I thought useful to the site) ... finally get the following: clear why this should be .. At servers to teach other people's skill can be taught skills cap, GM-skill, RB-skill, etc.

So, we learned the skills 300, admincheg zobanil us here, and teach happen again) .. Now, you can make a copy of skills, and then download them, also can be added to the database for further study skills .. You can include auto and not anymore) ..

Tested on the server interluda.net x1200 (mirror - tbs.org.ru).

Handling package, and other computations occur in a separate thread, so as not to disturb the exchange of data between the server and client.

Wishes and found bugs post here) is not strictly judged) on Kodil




For the beginning I want to thank xkor'a for the outstanding platform for the interception of packets L2.

Began everything from the fact that I wrote script so that it would be possible to preserve [skilly] into the file, and then to load them and to teach, but control from the chat room without Gouy me seemed by inconvenient, yes even excess calculations in the cycle of method and sending of packets badly affect [pinge]. Why to be steamed with the script, when there is [sortsy]? , I thought and he climbed the site)… the following as a result came out: I will explain, why this is must. On the servers, who make it possible to teach strange [skilly] often it is possible to teach [skilly] of [mobov], gm -[skilly], [RB]-[skilly], etc So here, we learned 300 [skillov], here us [admincheg] of [zobanil], and to teach anew by [vlom]):. Now it is possible to make a copy of [skillov], and to then load them; also it is possible to add in [bD] of [skilly] for the subsequent study. it is possible to include auto-retention and not at all to be steamed):.

Was tested on the server interluda.net x1200 (mirror - tbs.org .ru).

Working packet and other calculations occur in the separate flow in order not to prevent the exchange of the data between the server and the client.

Wishes and obtained [bagi] to fast here) not to strictly judge) [Kodil]


Translate by http://www2.worldlingo.com/es/products_services/computer_translation.html




Thanks Darkangel Now lets start the work lets go to try it to servers to do video :D

But i cant make it alone.. i need your Little Bit Your Help So?? how want to help me? to try it to servers ?


So Lets Start Raouf67 Read the First post See the photo and try to make it to server's if it work's tell me to know.i go to try it

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