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I'm having problem for compile dvamp Nasc Code. i descompiled full ai.obj for apply some fixes/changes but when try compiler have errors and nasc crashed with original descompiled code and modified nasc code.

The problem it seems to be wrong descompiled code (i saw comparing with c4 ai descompiled).


There is some modified nasc version and descompiler for use with dvamp ai.obj?


If anyone can share compiler/descompiler for dvamp ai.obj.


thanks in advance.



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Let me... remember (WARNING!, perhaps not quite as i remember).


There's the good ol php decompiler, if i remember correctly?

And several compilers.


These do not DIRECTLY MIX.

Some use class::Function other's use class->function, therefor decompiling with sauron, and compiling with another will fuck it ALL up in the heezbeez.


Note this.



Also, all the compilers just compile into stack language without any checks for arguments and such.

Therefor any newer functions could just be named as one of the rarely used messed up functions with correct arguments for dVampire new functions, and then manually changed on the function CALL Id.

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