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Configure c++ code to some files



Hello, (the title is too poor, I'm sorry about that:P)

I just wanna ask, which programs/editors can I use to configure some c++ codes from some l2off files of my need. I mean e.g Eclipse does that work to l2j (if I'm not mistaken), what do we have for l2off? Thanks a lot.

7 answers to this question

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Notepad, if your hardcore ;)



But the c++ part is minimal...OpenPP provides framework - but then your building on the stuff already researched.

More you get acquainted with l2server.exe and IDA better :P

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Notepad, if your hardcore ;)



But the c++ part is minimal...OpenPP provides framework - but then your building on the stuff already researched.

More you get acquainted with l2server.exe and IDA better :P


Thanks, but i'm sorry I didn't got that clearly. Where is the c++ part? Whats openPP?

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Thanks, but i'm sorry I didn't got that clearly. Where is the c++ part? Whats openPP?

C++ is a programming language used to make extenders. You don't have to use C++ you can use any language that can create DLLs and has the ability to interact with unmanaged code.

OpenPP aka COEP (Community Open-source Extender Project) was an open-source extender project created by Fr3dBR and others and is used as a base for most people's extenders who don't have the knowledge or confidence to start their own from scratch. It also includes explored class structures for the L2Server's classes, which aren't complete but are a lot better than you will find publicly.

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Its really difficult to understand these one. Sorry, I found about this Community Open-source Extender Project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/coep/) but can't understand anything yet. I'm too newbie for that. I only know that L2OFF uses c++ codes, and can be edited with C++, nothing more, but thanks for your replies, really appreciate it.

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Its really difficult to understand these one. Sorry, I found about this Community Open-source Extender Project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/coep/) but can't understand anything yet. I'm too newbie for that. I only know that L2OFF uses c++ codes, and can be edited with C++, nothing more, but thanks for your replies, really appreciate it.


no it can't - "edit" stuff.

It overrides stuff.

And without Assembly research, you won't know what to override.

So alone it's useless.


learn basic application programming and how an Operating System works ;).

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