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[help]problem re installing MySql enterprise [SOLVED]



First of all ... GOOD DAY/AFTERNOON/EVENING . . . now my problem  ...

well, i work with MYSQL ENTERPRISE, but as you know there are some programs that work with MYSQL too like WAMP, XAMPP, LAMP, bla bla bla. . . [all shits (for me)]... but as you know EVERY SERVER NEEDS A WEB, and some people recommended me to use XAMPP [shitty one] for the webserver but i found a better program: "easyphp" so, i was cleaning all the garbages of my pc and there i found XAMPP, but i though i installed it, but i just copied the folder, nothing else, so for my mistake i executed UNINSTALL.EXE and while the process was a question from the program to me...

"do you want to uninstall mysql?" and i thought it was talking about the mysql that comes with the XAMPP not the pure mysql that i have in other folder, so i wrote YES, everything uninstalled and after that i tried to open NAVICAT to move some SQLs but i couldn't enter, so i though i had to re install MYSQL ENTERPRISE and i uninstalled that but when i config it during the install part, always the installation crushes in the next part:


and there it crashes, so... i don't know what to do, cuz' i have read a lot of suggestions in internet but the problem is there yet...

Here some things i did:

- Delete the line of services "MySQL" [Computer/Services/]

- Clean all the regs

- Delete al the folders where the MYSQL was installed



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3 answers to this question

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Delete Navicat...at all ...and the mysql....First install mysql...and then navicat again....for 1st time like the 1st time.... and you ll see ll run correctly.... gl  (care in the installation of mysql to be corectly...)

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Delete Navicat...at all ...and the mysql....First install mysql...and then navicat again....for 1st time like the 1st time.... and you ll see ll run correctly.... gl  (care in the installation of mysql to be corectly...)


Thanks a lot . . . but it is uncomplete, cuz' when some tries to re install, they have to change the folder path, and only then i will work . . . SO, THANKS JUSTY ;D!

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Thanks a lot . . . but it is uncomplete, cuz' when some tries to re install, they have to change the folder path, and only then i will work . . . SO, THANKS JUSTY ;D!


If you want anything else pm a mod to unlock it.



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