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[Report]Multiple Abuses


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Senseless reply:


we dont care.locked.


kidding ::).



Offtopic Reply:


maybe msn doesnt accept failed guys. :]



OffTopic Reply:


emoquit and die is a fine solution


If I'm not wrong, there is still a topic in Announcements section which is called "Rules", right?And if I'm not wrong again, there's no exception for anyone, right?



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dude if we punished any user for going offtopic or posting sensless/stupid replys in spam section there would be no community, lol.


Come on..


You can start a thread about getting a girl pregnat and they will end up talking about satan ..  ..


MxC ftw!



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dude if we punished any user for going offtopic or posting sensless/stupid replys in spam section there would be no community, lol.


Come on..


You can start a thread about getting a girl pregnat and they will end up talking about satan ..  ..


MxC ftw!





come on the wrd he just kiding.

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come on the wrd he just kiding.


No I'm not, my main point for this report was WeirdSituation.

For some reason, that guy makes useless replies on every topic (you can watch his posts) every time.

I ain't saying that he should be punished or something, but you guys (who are in a highe rank) warn him and

tell him that he's not something more than a forum user that can abuse the rules, that's all I'm saying.

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you forgot something..Spam Section.


So?Sorry but, since someone makes a topic even in Spam section, means that he has a problem he wants to be solved or he wants to talk

about a specific subject.And I don't think the topic creator would like to see his topic overspammed with useless and offtopic replies!!

And I'm not talking about this specific spam topic, I'm talking generally. :)

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So?Sorry but, since someone makes a topic even in Spam section, means that he has a problem he wants to be solved or he wants to talk

about a specific subject.And I don't think the topic creator would like to see his topic overspammed with useless and offtopic replies!!

And I'm not talking about this specific spam topic, I'm talking generally. :)

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you saks staffer mang, come spam team :D


Like Raule lately, I believed he was one of the most serious people in here and I admired him one of the less people in here but suddenly, something happened and lately he's behaving like a kid spamming everytopic with words like "saks".

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Like Raule lately, I believed he was one of the most serious people in here and I admired him one of the less people in here but suddenly, something happened and lately he's behaving like a kid spamming everytopic with words like "saks".

He joined Spam Team, that's why.

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He joined Spam Team, that's why.


This makes him no different from the other users too, and since he was an ex-GlobalModerator he should be one of the people in here

trying to give the good example of behavior, but I'm thinking I've missjudged Raule.

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You have to be kidding me.


Serious problem? He should be smart enough to post it in Off-Topics section.Spam section is meant for spam threads, funny threads etc.As GrisoM well said, we can't punish every user getting off-topic in spam section.It's just ridiculous.And again, accusing the staff.Is that a fashion or something? Being in this place, means he understands the rules of this forum.He was spamming as we all do(in the right place ;)).


End of case.

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