DeathSoldier Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 Here is a decent list for lvl 3 builder. =========================================COMMANDES NORMALES======================================== //announce [message] //critannounce [message] making an announcement. //gmon Enable some GM's options, in order to start 'GMing the server'. //undying [on|off] Invulnerability. //healthy Heals targets hp/mp fully //hide [on|off] //gmliston Register you in the GM list (/gmlist) //gmspeed 1..5 Increase your speed (you can also use superhaste - ID 7029 lvl [1-4] //gmchat name message this just a simple way to tell a player somthing. like //gmchat bob your in big trouble! ================================================== ================================================= ===========================================INFO SERVER============================================ == //who Who's online. //serverstat up time, item on ground, players, NPC, protocol version //npccount NPC's online spawned. Really useful when creating new areas with NPC's. //allgm You get the online GM list with the BuilderLVL. Useful to trace illegal builders. //actorcount You get the players' number and NPC's in the area. ================================================== ================================================= ============================================AUTO REFUSE============================================ = //whisper [on|off] so when whisper is off means no one can message you when whispers on they can message you. //friendaddon //friendaddoff //tradeon //tradeoff [/color] Autorefuses requests: /friendinvite ou /trade ================================================== ====================== ============================PLAYER PARTY================================ //stopsay name time Chatban //stopsay bob 50 (= thats 50 min) //kick name Shut out the player. //char_stop [temps(min)] //party_stop [temps(min)] Fossilization. //debug name Give info about the char in target. //showparty You get the list and classid of the party members of you target. //infectedskill check character buffs //check_bot 1..3 1. OOG Walker 2. IG Walker 3. Superman ================================================== ================================================= ============================================DEPLAC EMENTS============================================ //party_teleport //sendhome name Recall player or party to town //partytel [bookmark] Teleport your party to the bookmark (//bk) //teleportto name This makes so you warp to the player. //recall name This just warps the player to you. //teleport x y z Teleport you if you give the good location (/loc), usefull with maccros. //send_gmroom Send your target in jail. //camera [on|off] Fly mode. Alt+h to add the chat windows while using this mode. //bk //bk [name] Set bookmark del or tp to. //bk name create the bookmark. //telbookmark [bookmarkname] use //bk. teleport yourself. ================================================== ================================================= =============================================SUMMO N================================================ //summon [id|nom] quantity (Itemdata.txt) Note: Builder lvl1, only GM's with builder 1 are allowed to summon items. //summon name = npc (npc_pch.txt) example //summon orc_archer (that would summon an orc archer //summon orc_archer 5 would summon 5 orc archers of them... Note: Only builder lvl 1 and 2 can summon NPC's. //create_pet 1..11 [LVL] 1=wolf 2-4=hatchling 5-7=stryder 8=sin eater 9-11=baby //dice [itemID] [number] Throw the ID's object on the floor and desappear. [number] -> Time before desappearing (no way to pick up it anyway). //summonnpc [iD|Name][Number] Summons Npcs //setai [Monster ID] Gives a npc different AI //spawn_npcs [Count][AI] //killnpc Kill your NPC target, no drop. //ride_wyvern Your target rides a wyvern. ================================================== ================================================ =============================================NOBLE SSE============================================== //set_noblesse //set_hero You become a hero, this cannot be used on a target. Just yourself. //ns hero 0 //ns noblesse 0 Enable/disabled your target hero status. //subjob Subclass relying on the ID class and subjob number [1-3] => not tested. ================================================== ================================================= =============================================CLASS SKILL============================================= //setclass [ClassID] To the target! //set_skill_all Target Learns all possible skills //delskill [skill ID] Deletes skill from target //setskill [skill ID] Gives skill to target. Skill de GM id de 6000 à 6006 //reset_skill Removes all skills from target ================================================== ================================================= =================================================Q UEST============================================= //setquest [Quest ID][status] Adds a Quest to target //delquest [Quest ID] Deletes a Quest from Target ================================================== ================================================= =================================================C LAN ALLY========================================== //cease_fire [clan1] [clan2] //cease_fire2 [ally1] [ally2] Stop clan or ally wars. (Probably not avaible for low builders) //disband [clan] Delete clan ================================================== ================================================= ==============================================EVEN T================================================ //event //eventmatch //eventmatchop //eventview //load_event //npcpos_event You get the NPC event list and their states, example: 7sign ================================================== ================================================= ================================================LO TTO============================================== //lotto_cancel //lotto_info //lotto_pause //lotto_resume //lotto_set_draw //lotto_set_number //lotto_set_reward //lotto_set_sell ================================================== ================================================= ===============================================7SI GN=============================================== //ssq_info //ssq_status You get the 7sign status (the second command -> gives you the ssq status in a window). ================================================== ================================================= ===========================================MISC=== ================================================= //reload Reload the client. Pretty interesting for Dev's and client modding. //setkarma number SELF use //diet [on|off] this makes so when diets on and your to heavy with to many items you don't slow down. //polymorph [Mob name/ID] Transform into a monster, for best results don't equip a weapon as the weapons usually take away the animation of the mob. No way to get back your appearance without relogging. //earthquake [Time(s)] [intensity] Try it lol. //quiet [on|off] makes the whole world so they can't talk great when your pissed off //setparam [param][number] exp sp str int dex... //setcomment [0..255] Sets Rec. Score ---------------------------------------------- i find this one from rz so thx guys anyway one mod plz lock the topic.
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