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xd, you were right <.<

i was myself

























































omg :D <3

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so all need your adenas back, right; ::)

i dont need them , i want you to send them to unicef for me
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as you all know..this league failed once more.


so these guys

Rozdex has sent you Adenas: 400.

FiGhTeRBosS has sent you Adenas: 400.

Gregor has sent you Adenas: 400.

Sinaya has sent you Adenas: 3000.

◦Cobra◦ has sent you Adenas: 400.

Chucky has sent you Adenas: 400.

LauQ has sent you Adenas: 400.

unqART has sent you Adenas: 400.

RєVєnGeR^ has sent you Adenas: 400.

Nosti21 has sent you Adenas: 400.

are paid back.



its time to lock it.





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