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Adma stronghold is pretty easy to find your way around, easy to get yourself to lannok himself, (max 1 hour).

Tactics to kill him are many, and all the times I 've been in we 've almost never did the same. Generally, watch out for the ads he spawns once in a while; the less hp the most frequent he spawns them. DPS must ensure to kill them before attacking Lannok again.


BUT! There is a bug about lannok (rumours say that if u use it though u get no golden drop, but if you are doing Spirit Blade campaign who really cares? Drop rate sucks anyway). Okay, here is how the bug goes:

One member of the group, preferably assasin, stays where he gets ported once he enters lannok room. He isn't attacking, he isn't moving close, anything to keep himself out of his aggro list. The cleric makes sure that he has self res on. Reaching lannok at 50% HP is rather easy. Do it. Once there, the group members aside the one out of aggro list should let lannok kill them. When everyone is dead, ads start to reset and despawn. At this step the assasin (as used in this example) should act quickly; lannok resets in 1-2 seconds. Before he resets and after minions reset he attacks him and keeps aggro on himself. Cleric uses the self-ress, resses quickly the templar and the rest of the group and they continue on killing lannok. This way, minions WONT spawn again!!:)

Then lannok is an easy job:)

(Lannok uses a skill called "Death sequence", the cleric must dispell it)


P.S.: Did I mention that lannok is the coolest boss in Aion?:)




That's a newbies dp hunters guide, nothing special at all.


1. You are obviously starting at the area named "The wilderness"

2. Move to akarios ruins(#1), doing it fast and carefully means that you won't need to kill more than 10-15 elites. Healer and the dps should stay preferably at the river close to ruins, and the templar should drag the boss to them. Ofcourse, area around the boss must be cleared first. That's an easy boss, no special tactics needed.

3. Move to maravata lake(#2). Watch out. Before attacking the 3 bosses in there you need to clear the surrounding area; those 3 bosses will eventually summon the elites around. (Attention there is a mob in hide mode too).

As you may notice, those bosses are circulated with some mirrors sending power to them. Mark the mirrors, and arrange one dps for each one of them. Priority is killing mirrors not attacking the boss, since they buff them. (Defence mirror is boosting def, attack the attack etc.)

4. Forest time(#3). There are 2 bosses here, giant tree looking, which are I N V I S I B L E. An experienced templar in DP may find them easily but it's a risk. Preferably, group must stay in a certain loc, and an assasin (due to high evasion) should go drag em to groups loc. Those bosses will do an aoe dmg attack once in a while named "Grudge Explosion". Once you see this skill (tree runs away for few meters before doing it as a signal) whole group aside the templar should move at 26m distance to avoid being badly hurt:)

5. The drana fields (#4). There are 3 bosses here. Those are really easy to kill, you may even do it without a single hit.

Clear the area around drana lumbs. Those bosses, if they step upon a drana lumb get STUNNED. Hit em while they are stunned; at 2 sec before stun is away, move to the 2nd drana lumb, boss stunned, attack, at 2 sec back to first lumb etc etc.

Drana fields is the area where you can farm drana fragments for 3rd advanced stigma quest, so some groups may ask to clear the whole area. Also, you may find the shining box here, required for the "Spirit Blade" 50 lv campaign.

6.Almost done! Before accessing #5 at map, you will meet 2 gates on your way. Keep a distance from them, they spawn twice 2 elites.

Also you will meet a lot of fungies. A good dps can 2-3 hit them with aoe, dont bother killing them one by one.

7.Once inside you will first meet Telepathy controller, a boss of average difficulty (looks awesome when it grabs players and throws them away, you will see ;p) You will see some circles on the ground; dont step/stand inside them, stay between them, or close to the walls. DONT use aoe skills. The boss spawns some minions, but if you don't attack them, they are just standing watching around.

After the boss, you will see an elite shugo scientist needed along with drana fragments for 3rd adv stigma quest, and  NEX resources (400p essencetapping). Usually, group members roll the dice to decide who will gather them. Hit /roll 100000 to make them go crazy xD

8. Anuhart room. Brigade general anuhart will only spawn after you kill the generator bosses.

Before aggroing the generators make sure you 've cleared the whole cave. No special tactics required for them.

9. Anuhart. You must keep him on the platform, or he will reset. He spawns some minions, easy to kill, do it the aoe way. At 25% he uses a HOT skill, he does average dmg, generally easy boss.

10. Anuhart is dead, here is your grade. You have 5 mins to prepare and enter the gate to last boss (depends on grade you 've earned)

Once inside DONT move, the boss has a huge aggro range, and will attack you on first step. Let the tank do the hard job ;p


Boss till B grade is rather easy. (C grade is a joke for example). A grade might require few fireproof resistance scrolls. S grade needs huge dps, huge quantity of fireproof scrolls and nice organisation.



Generally every run equals to 5-10 full drops. About armors, blue anuhart 50s, that can make set, and golden armors that are CLASS based.

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