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[Release] AnotherMorpher

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    Console commands (only work on player) :


  1. morph <Id> // where <Id> is an integer between -1 and 4294967296 (-1 restores native ID)

  2. mount <Id> // where <Id> is an integer between 0 and 4294967296

  3. scale <Real> // where <Real> is a real number (default = 1)


      Personal touch : Set player name (if displayed) to whatever you want

  4. name <whatever you want> // where <whatever you want> is whatever you want (yeah,it is quite useless ^^)


  5. slot <SlotID> <ItemId> // where <SlotID> is an integer between 1 and 20, and <ItemID> between 0 and 4294967296


1 = head

2 = neck

3 = shoulder

4 = shirt

5 = chest

6 = belt

7 = legs

8 = feet

9 = wrist

10 = gloves

11 = finger 1

12 = finger 2

13 = trinket 1

14 = trinket 2

15 = back

16 = main hand

17 = off hand

18 = ranged

19 = tabard

NB : slot 20 is player title ^^


    Lua functions :


  1. GetTargetModel() // return target displayid, return nil if target doesn't exist.

  2. GetTargetNativeModel() // return target native displayid, return nil if target doesn't exist.

  3. GetTargetMount() // return target's mount displayid, return nil if target doesn't exist.


    How to use it :


  1. Unzip the entire .zip file anywhere you like. (following)

  2. Make sure wow is running

  3. Run "AInjector.exe" (as admin for vista users)

  4. Type commands in wow console / chatbox


Examples of uses :

/run ConsoleExec("morph "..GetTargetModel())

/run print(GetTargetModel())

/run ConsoleExec("morph 20582")

/console morph 1337

/console mount 28890

/console slot 16 40343

/console scale 2,22

/console name The Lich King



Download : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U3J3JJKN

Credits: Nopt

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