Steven7 Posted September 20, 2010 Author Posted September 20, 2010 nice fight here :) vote reward removed! for more check announce in game Quote
RefusedMemoriez Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 oh man its fantastic server...its yours????im the tCixLoFo0sKaS there if you know steven.... Quote
snelka Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 how many ppl online? worth playing? anty oly feed? armor restrictions ? Quote
Steven7 Posted September 20, 2010 Author Posted September 20, 2010 feed oly not allowed 450 ppl on reached you will see if worth not my job to say if worth i am gm not player armor max s84 Quote
snelka Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 you will see if worth not my job to say if worth i am gm not player maybe in future , for now I can't connect Quote
Himself Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 Ok so i even don't know where to start but hey lets go : well some1 that played retail isnt the best i am so sure that 50% of retail players are noobs they all day xp and doing smth that need "knowledge on l2" every 2 weeks in a x25 i will find better players than retail retail is for players that will say in pvp server Hey i am from retail stfu that is sh1t you get better expirience from 2323 servers than on retail HF Steven actually players from retail have much better team work,they know skills very well because they spend a lot of time with one char. You aren't retail player,and here it comes up you were thinking that Eye of Paggrio gives resist to Critical Dmg,but hey bro it only prevents hiting by critical hit. Your knowlage of game is poor.But well i don't wanna to say about you as a player but as gm. So if anyone want to start playing on L2PvPArea you should consider few factors: First of all Steven7 as gm is disrespectfull to other players on forum and in game,wanna proof? here it goes man you are totaly noob qq? go make gladi Here is something from live support : A representative will be connected, please be patient. We are still trying to connect you, please be patient. If you don't want to wait please leave a message: Leave message. Thank you! Death enters the chatroom. Death 21:06:53 hi Slasher 21:07:33 Hi. Can you log on game? I want to show you how to test skills on lineage 2. Face it, your server will be desert quite soon. allready 80% of server = mages. Which class is only able to debuff people. System 21:09:38 The representative has left the conversation. If you have further questions please leave a message: Leave message. Thank you! So lets go on futher, now we have bugs problem,almost nothing was done from server start,there were some small fixes, and increasing/decreasing drop rates of Pc Bang points etc.Changelog didn't changed sience im playing there(about 2 weeks now) Also i was threaten by banning me couse i started to arguee with Steven7(he wanted to jail me couse he saw me in DC robe and with Soes btb on oly(buff stuff)) Here are also two screenshots from today so see how Administation there is acting :[/img] Quote
RefusedMemoriez Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 pff all that is bullshits.....i know steven from refused server and he is disrespectfull with ppl who wants that...with the correct ppl he is 1 of the best....ask in server the 90% wants him....if in any server 1 noob go and threat a gm and wants him out of team no more are a kid who cry to admin.......[gr]asto dialo klapsa mas zalises ta @@ Quote
Galanty Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 crap not server, not worth to play. read above...and milions of other reasons. Totally not balanced. Quote
iBuG Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 I wont play there anymore , gl with the server and do not said that l2net will be punshed. Gl/hf for the players. Quote
Steven7 Posted September 21, 2010 Author Posted September 21, 2010 why? i dont jail l2net? maybe you are some1 that didnt report them? and for other posts up retail players have 1 char and playing its skills better play 100 servers at hopzone and get a sum up of how skills work there after in official who ever from now tell me he played retail and sh1ts i will really jail him FOR EVER if you think played retail is power go stay there "pro's" or go open server and fix things and btw if you left server stop qq in any forum specially here and post in forum maybe apoc dont check bugs other gm's do have fun and for other "stupid" ppl that read here what happen to server better log in play and see not getting any idea from a forum advertising Quote
snelka Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 U have the lolest priceS I have ever seen.. arrows C 1 kk ,arrows B umm500k ? Weapon C >free , Weapon B > LOL price [high] Alt B shows 390 ppl online but when I tp to Aden Giran I saw ghost cities. anyway gl Quote
Steven7 Posted September 21, 2010 Author Posted September 21, 2010 wanna see really online ppl? ask me in l2 when you are on we arent l2dubai,l2gang with vote rewards 300 normal players 1k bots atm 270/320 online and many of them are internet cafe ppl other lans few buffers not big amount of dual boxing Quote
Himself Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Hmm Steven i know that you aren't native english speaker but damn,i can't understand like half of things that you write.And what you want to convince me that when playing on java server i'll learn how things should work better than on official server,are you nuts?Oo And one more thing you say about Votes,well as far as i remeber you refused to make event unless ppl will vote,you still remind players ingame to vote,than you give reward.So what you are talking that now there are no rewards from Votes?Well thats normal couse you used illlegal Vote system ,and you were punished on hopzone. And what you say about crying?Topics like this are to say your opinions about server thoose bad and good ones,so whats the deal? You can jail me/ban me whatever it will just show how unmature you are. Quote
Steven7 Posted September 21, 2010 Author Posted September 21, 2010 playing official 10 years maybe teach you 50% of classes skills to lvl 1 char and see his enchant skills and how work need months in l2java work 70% you can see better even more if you have patience to w8 fixes i say it again make own server pay dev's and good luck l2epilogue off doesnt exist and as well dev's of official won't go work on privates you man made 1 acc in maxcheaters to make your opinion still newbie try make some posts to make me respect you did i ignore you in game? did i ignore forum? no go speak to ppl ignore you HERE IS MY TOPIC HERE TALK TO ME did i dissapointed some1? i am not dev speak to the responsible persons for situation Quote
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