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Ofc LoL, its pretty much better in every way.

Dota doesnt gives a shit about you, but if ur a good in Lol u could win a lot of money. There are also no hacks at all. Not like in a dota mh. I have been playing dota about 5 years before it was good but now is 21. century and i dont want to stay at prehistoric.


So go register http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4db98f93b3263105325922 and try it yourself.


There u got a cinematic trailer


And some ig roflmaos : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN3keJyM5zQ&feature=player_embedded#at=26



  On 7/24/2011 at 5:51 PM, Massari said:

HoN really is the better game, if you guys would give it a try for 10-20 games you would never go back to DotA :)




I played like 10 games, then a friend of mine invited me for a DotA game and I was like "ok, enough HoN ... back to dota ;)"  , but guess what, DotA for me was like a slow motion film compared to HoN. And everything seemed so slow and non-dynamic, whereas HoN was fuckin brilliant.

  On 7/8/2011 at 7:17 PM, Lain said:

HoN can be compared to Lineage = darky graphics, cool interface, fast pvps


LoL can be compared to WoW = walt disney graphics, pussy style pvps, every game is casual mode (trololo)



Best reply in whole thread ..

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