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3 Days before fiba basketball cup starts and no topic yet? !  ;D So here we can discuss about national teams / matches and etc ... This afternoon Greece - Usa friendly match!





The Groups





Greece against USA ?



When the match end's please inform me how its end xD


Imo , greece is the most formed team right now all over the world ... Only Bourousis in Injured and he will be ok until fiba world cup ... USA has nothing special if you exept Billups , Durant , Odom and a little Iguadala ..


Diamantinis > Billups in defence


If Calathes is on his day he will be better than durant , other wise Spanoulis is suitable




Imo , greece is the most formed team right now all over the world ... Only Bourousis in Injured and he will be ok until fiba world cup ... USA has nothing special if you exept Billups , Durant , Odom and a little Iguadala ..


Diamantinis > Billups in defence


If Calathes is on his day he will be better than durant , other wise Spanoulis is suitable





Well compare GR league (never hear'd about this) and NBA there is a big different and also i know USA have good players :P Anyway i dont watching Basketball xD

Volleyball - Soccer! :P



Well compare GR league (never hear'd about this) and NBA there is a big different and also i know USA have good players :P Anyway i dont watching Basketball xD

Volleyball - Soccer! :P


LAWL? Never heard of greek league ? greece has the 2 of the best 4 team of europe .. Panathinaikos has been from 2006 to 2009 in Final of euroleague and got 2 times the "crown" and olympiakos is always on final four .. so if you dont know about basketball dont talk ;D .. just say good luck ;) .. greece was european champion 2005 / went to the final of FIba World Cup 2006 (beat USA in the semi final 101-95)


and many many many more!


Is spam topic so we can double post right ?


And when we beat USA the played with all the good players , lebron james , dwyane wade , carmelo antony , hirnich and many more!


Highlights . It wroths a watch :O



just forgive the language ;D


Greece against USA ?



When the match end's please inform me how its end xD

you suck even more than your coutnry...


we pwned USA,and we can do it again i hope..

China is a shit,and other teams in our group too


You are not at groups so that means your team suck ;D


yea only turkey and russia will be difficult ( i mean with less than 20 points difference :P)


for greek guys i have a blog days now for fiba world cup .. visit it if your are intrested ;)




you suck even more than your coutnry...


we pwned USA,and we can do it again i hope..

China is a shit,and other teams in our group too


You are not at groups so that means your team suck ;D


haha emo gay answered :O I dont say ur team suck just imo they dont have chance against USA ... AND ALSO I SAID I DONT WATCHING BASKETBALL U IDIOT! :O I was giving my opinion ... red better asshole GAY :O


haha emo gay answered :O I dont say ur team suck just imo they dont have chance against USA ... AND ALSO I SAID I DONT WATCHING BASKETBALL U IDIOT! :O I was giving my opinion ... red better asshole GAY :O


yeah we dont have a chance .. what everyone said on 2006! ...


yeah we dont have a chance .. what everyone said on 2006! ...


OMG I all time repeat IN MY OPINION WTF WRONG WITH U GUYS?!?!?!?!


Now one GR kid write me like this ...


Because Poland is a useless non-factor in history, sports, science or etc, you dont have the right to criticize Greece or even talk about Greece without knowing anything. Understood?




Soz Fuma a little offtop for the quote from mitsakoss well ...




We won Bronze here



Now about history


Battle for England Polidh Fighter Squadron? Even hear'd of that ?

Monte Cassino ? Polish Fighters fight there

For USA Independence fight Kościuszko was general.

In 2nd WAR Poland Alliance didnt help us but Poland still fight and never surrender.




720 men (20 officers)

Six 76 mm guns

42 MGs

2 URs



42,200 men

350 tanks

657 mortars, guns and grenade launchers

Aircraft support



I take it Fast from History Poland and now u see ... In sport also we are Volleyball gold in Europe...

Soz Fuma for offtop but that's the truth ...


And as i see in GR there's kid's like this one and Ventica gay ... i just said my opinion and start poland bla bla bla u suck and other bullsh1t :)


If u guys wanna talk about this PM ME for MSN so we will talk!


@TheGameHHH : Why the fvck you talk about wars in a sport topic ? Nobody cares about your wars and what your country have done ! Here we talk about the Fiba world cup ! And what do you want to show with the stats of your history?


@TheGameHHH : Why the fvck you talk about wars in a sport topic ? Nobody cares about your wars and what your country have done ! Here we talk about the Fiba world cup ! And what do you want to show with the stats of your history?


Huh ? I already give my opinion that GR will lose against USA ( I repeat like 100 time its JUST MY OPINION) and some Greek kids start flame on my country and blablabla its useless and nothing do in all history and some sh1ts ... so i post it ? U care ? LoL since noob idiot greek's kid pm me i will do it ...

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