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[Clan]Visions Recruiting

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Since DS went in epilogue and im paying freya :D i created my own clan :)

Some infos about the clan:


We are currently playing l2 tns ceriel server x100 (enter lvl 85) The Client used is freya...


server's site: http://l2tns.com/


Server community: 400 at the morning 800 at nights


The Crew:


Leader: Moreno aka DieMachinee (me)

SubLeader: JoshMercury

2nd SubLeader Zoe

3rd Subleader -

4th Subleader -

5th Subleader -

6th SubLeader -





How to apply?


Visit our clans forum and make an application: Make Application Here!


In order to make an application you should check the server - be active and have a good gear....



Im Currently looking for 3 Sub leader experienced in the game and active


P.S: We are going 4-6 raids per day for clan skills and PvP


~Friendly Itachi

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