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[SELL]L2 Site Pack

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This Pack Contains 9 .PSD Files ...


1 Of these site is coded in HTML (ALSO HAS MOUSEOVER!) & PSD !


The Coded Site!



8 More PSD Files!


Some Of The Sites





PRICE? ONLY 4EURO!  :o :o :o


What will you lose ?

A milk and a ramekin


What will you win?

A coded site with mouseover which definitely costs 5-10 euro


9 More .psd which definitely needs times to be created ... all these with 4 euro!! what will you lose!? NOTHING! Buy now! :D


Payments via : Paypal!


(Wanna say that's my sites! everything is created by me :) ... )





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Why i thing all are shared in la2base.ru ?



i created them 1 by 1 :D .. i can proof it ;) ! just gimme the images to see it .. there is no way :)!

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i told y i thing i wasnt sure but 1 from those i saw them on la2base anyway good sells



i wanna see it ;D ...



4 EURO! :D ... The price is for 1 month y.o kid ;D

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They are worth 4-2 euro if they are coded in html,

If in php fully coded then more,

But if just PSD's,

C'mon boy,

Share them for free,

No one will buy them ..


what's your problem lawl?


there is one HTML coded site and 9 PSD ... it took me time .. i know the not so good but at least i waste many hours of all these .. so 4 euro for these are not much ...


Not intrested? JUST GO BACK dont spam my topic lawl!

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