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[Rate and comments] My first L2 Template


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Well, when i saw one magaki's template today i felt something.  :-\

And for first time i said to make a template by my self.

Well i took the green and the red Dot (online-offline) by magaki and also some ideas.

He don't know anything, but i think this is not a problem, i guess! :P

I don't read any tut, I just looking magaki's temp...

He took me 3-4 hours to make it but i think the outcome is good! ;)


Well here it is.





What you think have i future?  :P :P


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Hello, you have the same story with me i guess :p


anyway, as I can see you really have the skills to do it, really.

Just you must play with resolution, do you catch me? Check the bad quality of pictures.



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Hello, you have the same story with me i guess :p


anyway, as I can see you really have the skills to do it, really.

Just you must play with resolution, do you catch me? Check the bad quality of pictures.




Yes i know... But my eyes coudn't stay open :P I need a good sleep. :P

Anyway thank you for the good words xD God with us! haha LOL!

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Good for start but next time make the size 935x900 px your current one is for midgets :P

And try to use simple fonts as i told to RozDex too, it looks better and you can read easier ;)

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Good for start but next time make the size 935x900 px your current one is for midgets :P

And try to use simple fonts as i told to RozDex too, it looks better and you can read easier ;)


the true size is 1263x1024 :D


its good! but i dont liek the font :/


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the true size is 1263x1024 :D


its good! but i dont liek the font :/


The starting size is 935x900  not all of the internet users have big screens and its hard to be accurate some times, anyway i did not say that 935x900 it the best size evar... xD Anyone has hes own style and preferences, and it depends on what are you creating ;)   
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Kiddding. Well, it's a good try for your first time, but you have to work much more.

You should try to combine the colors better, resize the images well and also use elegant fonts, like Verdana. <3

Furthermore, you should try to give a 3D feeling on the boxes, if you get what I mean.

They're kinda flat atm. Make them more advanced using the shadows, bevel and so on.



Anyway, keep it up. =]


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The Images need to be resized the colors doesnt match at all and well it sux actually but if u fix the thinks we told u you will make smth better for sure.

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the true size is 1263x1024 :D


The starting size is 935x900  not all of the internet users have big screens and its hard to be accurate some times, anyway i did not say that 935x900 it the best size evar... xD Anyone has hes own style and preferences, and it depends on what are you creating ;)   


I will keep that in my mind ;) thanks.


Kiddding. Well, it's a good try for your first time, but you have to work much more.

You should try to combine the colors better, resize the images well and also use elegant fonts, like Verdana. <3

Furthermore, you should try to give a 3D feeling on the boxes, if you get what I mean.

They're kinda flat atm. Make them more advanced using the shadows, bevel and so on.

Anyway, keep it up. =]



I got it ;) Thanks buddy! My next temp will pwn! xD


The Images need to be resized the colors doesnt match at all and well it sux actually but if u fix the thinks we told u you will make smth better for sure.


Always with love <3

When i make my 2nd you will rate again nab! :)




Thanks all for the comments and rates, really I appreciated.

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