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I read a topic here at report section ,a stolen account has been given back to the original owner...so i want my account too back maxtor...i sent you paypal receipt proving that im the original owner...but nothing.The rules dont provide accounts to be given back...but as you have given account back to maprex i want it back too....


I read a topic here at report section ,a stolen account has been given back to the original owner...so i want my account too back maxtor...i sent you paypal receipt proving that im the original owner...but nothing.The rules dont provide accounts to be given back...but as you have given account back to maprex i want it back too....

Maybe you didnt understand something. I didnt got the account back from any staff, they only helped me to see the ips that logged with my account. After this, i found the scammer and i talked with him so he gave me the account back, not the staff. These guyz only helped and made my search easier.

Ok then i want them to help me find the scammer too...they dont even response to my pm's that i ask for help to get it back

PM a GMOD [only a gmod] and ask him to see that this ip from the new acc is the same from the old. Then, to see at the old one the log list and if they see any different ip from yours, then report it to you.
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