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classic [nVm] L2InC Exodus/Desperion!


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well any comments about exodus? I don't want to be first about comment and again bad guy and lier etc


Edit : Seems no1 want to share his opinion, or no1 play there[ it's good choice xD ] well I was online yest. ~~2h [  300+ online] and now 2h. Server is full of events [as always] , few nice features. Anyway yest. were lags from time to time.. today these lags are more often {300 online} [ not only my opnion], don't know why I have almost 3oo  ping.


Anyway about classes... hyhy , inc was and still is dagger server, dmg is insane 2-3 blows and bb [i'm playing dagger], there are like 110 glads,110 daggers 2healers,4 archers > it's joke but everywhere u can find daggers/glads. I don't know will I stay here for longer [waiting till 1 server don't want to rec. it here] but I hope I wont see same oly feed like it was on desperion.



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I wanted to ask do u agree with me but when  I logged today I see land skill is finally "normal" not 100% anymore, and u have improved event awards. Anyway it's x75 and it's little bit too farm style for me.

-Cert r working ?


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Certs working, yep


i am StormCreamer lvl 81,i made the quest and i have certificate from enchanter..but when i click learn subclass certification skills it says u don't meet the required ....how they work?

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Been playing since the re-opening, kinda like it.


The only thing I find annoying is kamaels spamming that AOE stun-detarget-teleport skill in events wich at least to me, makes them untargettable.


EDIT: And yeah, Zombie event is just amazing.

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