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[WTS] Horus & Savormix & NB4L1 selling Services

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Good afternoon dear MxC users,


First of all, I should point out that I'm speaking on behalf of myself, savormix (yes, L2jFree main developer, savormix), and NB4L1 (indeed, the other main JFree dev).


Secondly, since time is money, I'll go straight to the point: this thread is pretty self-explanatory, we are offering our programming services - obviously for a certain fee - to anyone who is interested.

Obviously, we're not available for full-time developer positions, its quite the opposite - due to obvious reasons, including our own Lineage 2 project www.l2sod.com , www.inf-skills.com, L2jFree www.l2jfree.com and a few projects we have in mind. What we are actually proposing, is our capability to code small applications for the user, for a pre-arranged price which can be negotiated.




We have only one restriction: no client modding - that is, you can client mod, just don't expect us to - besides that, we can do everything you want, from small classes to complex engines. No point saying, the more complex the job, the more expensive it will be.


[tt]Contacting methods[/tt]


Without further delays or complications, if you are interested just send me a PM with a general description and a payment proposal, if we find it decent, we will get back to you.


Note: Payments will work through Paypal upon work completion.


[tt]Work quality proof[/tt]


Since the people in question are members of the L2jFree team I'm pretty sure there is no need to prove our skills and how trustworthy we are, however if you do wish to have a little taste of what we do for fun, checkout SoD's features (http://l2sod.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=27 , one of my personal favorites: http://l2sod.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=62%3Aperks-listing&catid=15%3Afeatures&Itemid=27).



[tt]Specific addons:[/tt]

- .jar to .exe , offering some more security to your pack.

- A more user-friendly GUI, instead of the old cmd.

- Deep obfuscation + overloaded optimization.

- Allow the pack to be started only through a specific user & pwd and a certain IP, just to make sure you and you only have access to your own server.





Horus , savor and bali.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All want money for an game, very nice... so all nabs don't know how to make money in real life...


! Do not give money for it ! Guys !


You and all were newbie, nobody is born knowing.



its a joke?

they sell their time, thats all, same as all the ppl?

even this is not about knowledge, its about time and work.

i know that it could be difficult for 10 years old kids, lol

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LOL, If they know how to make money from pc, and you are working, they are better than you.



Making money online is much better than in real life lol. And it is real work. What about succesful web designers that take over 4,000E/month

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All want money for an game, very nice... so all nabs don't know how to make money in real life...


! Do not give money for it ! Guys !


You and all were newbie, nobody is born knowing.



lol dude..... that's a programmer / developer job :|

it is a "real  Life " job , he can code a program for an accountant office too for example , witch as ur saying is "real life job"

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There are always people flaming. Luckily for me, I'm pretty sure you're all 15-year old dev-wannabe's meaning, your statements actually make me laugh.


No I wasn't born taught, but I tried learning and it paid off.


Now if you don't mind, if you don't want our services please refrain from posting, this isn't an off-topic kinder garden.


@Aken - Seriously ? From the US? With that English? Guess you skipped school.

@Aken #2 - If we didn't spend time online, then there wouldn't be a L2jFree so those comments were pretty dumb.

@Aken #3 - I suppose your wannabe-server has no donations ? If it does, then you're making money through games, and according to you "All want money for an game, very nice... so all nabs don't know how to make money in real life..." meaning, you've just humiliated yourself.


End of conversation.

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