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[L2J] L2 Comics x2500


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pff maybe some peaple work?? no like you eat-wc-sleep-pc..etc etc...and take dady money to make donate at forums :|...get a life little child and try find to work you are just 14-15 stop take dady money...


end here child..offtopic spam----END for more spam pm me

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i dont manage the server because i am only gm there and i come here to advertise the server..if you want more infos just pm me..


So your mommy doesn't let you leave the computer on during the night huh?

My pc is not server machine , iam just a gm .. read before posting !

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joke srv , custom shop ( for the customs items ) is broken like this when you press to buy jeweles there is nothing in that option , when you press on wings you see the armours set's , when you press on weapons there is not weapon tottaly other things and if you want to teleport in Safe Zone Farm you can't , in pvp zone you can't and in raid zone you can't so fix your Gk to and there is lag too ! ahh almost forgot low players online

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