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[Share]Augment Skill Shop Npc

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adapted for High Five datapack rev. 9573, server rev. 5909




By the way, I tried to change it a bit so instead of destroying 1 Item for Augment, it will take 2 Items. But I had error:


I made changes like below to AugmentShop.java

Line 23
	private final static int ITEM_ID = 50030;
	private final static int ITEM_COUNT = 10000;
+	private final static int ITEM_ID_2 = 50030;
+	private final static int ITEM_COUNT_2 = 500;
	private final static String qn = "AugmentShop";
	private final static int NPC = 93000;


Connection con = null;
-			player.destroyItemByItemId("Consume", ITEM_ID, ITEM_COUNT, player, true);
+			player.destroyItemByItemId("Consume",  ITEM_ID, ITEM_ID_2, ITEM_COUNT, ITEM_COUNT_2, player, true);
			con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
			PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO item_attributes VALUES(?,?,?,?)");
			statement.setInt(1, item.getObjectId());

				statement.setInt(2, attribute*65536+1);
				statement.setInt(3, skill);
				statement.setInt(4, level);
			player.sendMessage("Succesfully augmented. You have to relog now.");

but after that I'm getting error like that in the console and don't know how to make it work. I know what it means but not sure what and where should I add code in L2PcInstance.java or L2Object

1. ERROR in \custom\AugmentShop\AugmentShop.java (at line 110)
        player.destroyItemByItemId("Consume", ITEM_ID, ITEM_ID_2, ITEM_COUNT, IT
EM_COUNT_2, player, true);
The method destroyItemByItemId(String, int, long, L2Object, boolean) in the type
 L2PcInstance is not applicable for the arguments (String, int, int, int, int, L
2PcInstance, boolean)
1 problem (1 error)The method destroyItemByItemId(java.lang.String, int, long, c
om.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Object, boolean) in the type com.l2jserver.games
erver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance is not applicable for the arguments (jav
a.lang.String, int, int, int, int, com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance
.L2PcInstance, boolean)
Failed executing script: G:\Test Server H5\game\data\scripts\custom\AugmentShop\
AugmentShop.java. See AugmentShop.java.error.log for details.

I was thinking to add it here, but not sure:


line 4036

	 * @return boolean informing if the action was successful
-	public boolean destroyItemByItemId(String process, int itemId, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
+	public boolean destroyItemByItemId(String process, int itemId, long count, int itemId2, long count2, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
		if (itemId == PcInventory.ADENA_ID)
			return reduceAdena(process, count, reference, sendMessage);

Any advise?

Edited by Gorion
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