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[L2J]L2 InfecteD x200


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Dont join this server full of corrupt gms giving free items to new players and then they tell that is a serious server XD omg close this thing (server is too much for this shit)


Dont join there!

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Hey ,don't Judge our server,and calm down...The x2000 is recently bought from other admin...So the admins of x200 are NOT the same with the admins of x2000...If you joined at x2000 ,yes admins corrupted the server...The x200 is serious server,and stop the comments like

Don't Join there and like that...If you want to tell the corruption that you saw,just tell in what server you saw it...

We try to advertise the x200 server,here...

Join at x200 and tell me if you see any corruptions...

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Hey ,don't Judge our server,and calm down...The x2000 is recently bought from other admin...So the admins of x200 are NOT the same with the admins of x2000...If you joined at x2000 ,yes admins corrupted the server...The x200 is serious server,and stop the comments like

Don't Join there and like that...If you want to tell the corruption that you saw,just tell in what server you saw it...

We try to advertise the x200 server,here...

Join at x200 and tell me if you see any corruptions...

a server with two admins that fighting = uber fail server

sorry bro you failed hard

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The Server is Hosted in Germany...Not Homemade   ;)


Stats of the Server:

*Microsoft Windows Server 2003

*Standard x64 Edition,Service Pack 2

*Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz

*12 GB Of Ram

*1 Terrabite Hard Drive

*2000 GB Bandwidth

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