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[GFX Battle]MasterDisaster Versus FakMeImFamous


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and this is?


Unfortunately it's md :/.If you judge wisely then you gonna see it.First of all , you must see that md combines imagination + skills together

you he got a great outcome.@FakmeIamFamous , your sign is very simple, you got skills but it's just a simple signature like the others, that's just my opinion you

gonna decide.

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im gonna judge on how this sigs are made not really from the outcome as far as this competition is to show whos better.

So lets start MD used 2 stocks and a text some bluring and thats all . at least thats all i can see.

FakMewhateverurlolnameis Used brushes smudges maybe some c4ds or whatver this is . I think this fakmelollamename done a really better job while md was a lazy ass and all he did is to put 1/15 of his skills into this sig.

SO vote goes to fakmelolgaylamename ( Please change ur name its lame ).



P.s MD's outcome is far better but as i sayd ill judge by the effort that they putted into the sig not from the outcome . KIU both of u whores.


P.s (2) MD i know i wont have sex for 1 month but soz <3.

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i will vote for MD


He has nice flow and its nicely compined

also i like the text


about fakme i dont like the resize of the render

also the text is not that good

the flow is not that good also those dots are way too many :/

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Allow me to post my opinion, from my point of view, without being a judge. I am not trying to affect the others' opinions.


@FakMe: I can't actually understand the flow. You have used many things that -beep- the flow up, and as a result there is NO flow at all!

I won't talk about the text, it is obvious that the whole outcome would be better without it.

As for these brushes down there, I'll make no comments. They just DO NOT fit right there.

As for the colours, they are not well balanced. You chose some colours to use, knowing that you have a real person as a render. You see, you can't balance them at all right now, since you can't make this render red or whatever.


@MD: Well, the flow is fine, the colours as well, and the borders are fine. I don't care about the way the two sigs were made, but this second one is certainly better. Even if the text didn't really surprise me (you can do better), I believe that it is a rather good outcome.


Congratulations to both of you.

@ The Loser: Do not emoquit when you lose, whoever you are.



@DS: You win a villa. Will you care about if it needed 3 days to be made, if inside you have a pool, a sauna, a mini gym and lots of other facilities?

Answer this and then think again if the "way of construction" is what matters.

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@coyote we are talking about the same thing . a villa with all this things needs effort to be made thats what i sayd ...


MD only got a stock and adjusted it.

while fakmelolnamer changed many things to build the "villa"

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@coyote we are talking about the same thing . a villa with all this things needs effort to be made thats what i sayd ...


Not really. Check what I told.

Will you care about if it needed 3 days to be made, if inside you have a pool, a sauna, a mini gym and lots of other facilities?


MD made the perfect villa in no time (without the use of 1k effects) while fakme made something medium in 5 months (using many bling bling stuff).


I can't explain it clearly, but I am trying to show you that the way something is made does not always matter.

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well not rly ur wrong md did nothing hard. while the other lollamenamed guy did a pretty good job . i dont care for the outcome i care for the effort .

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