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[Guide]Doublkill's Guide to Venomancer, Lesale Deathbringer, Venom, LD, Hydra, e

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Venomancer is one of the oldest heroes in DotA (unchanged name and model). I remember seeing Venom in a very early version called Defense of the Ancients TFT, that was like six years ago, his attack animation was simply ridiculous and he had that stupid Carrion Swarm spell. Things changed and with the recent remakes, IceFrog unleashed a new wave of terror and death..


Venom's background story



For those obsessed with death, poison is a necessary study. However, Lesale went a step too far. He experimented upon himself with various toxins and chemicals so that he could learn the secrets of death. These twisted his mind and mutated his body into a hideous creature which embodies an immense hatred for all things pure. He can strike an enemy with a concentrated shot of poison or even spread a toxic gas throughout an entire area, severely weakening beast and human alike.




Lesale is a great ganker early/midgame due to his powerful damage over time ultimate that is extremely hazardous in team clashes. Normally used as support and ward hoe, even though he has a potential to be a great DPS hero, which I intend to introduce you to. He is also sometimes played as a roamer, which means that instead of taking a lane, he roams the map ganking enemies from Level 1. So basically it's up to you and your teammates to decide what role are you going to take.


Venom uses special, muscle-like organs in its chest cavity to hydraulically propel the needle spines to incredible rates of speed ninja.gif . Deathbringer has incredible accuracy when firing a round of its needles.





General Information


•  Tavern -  Midnight Tavern (V)

• Affiliation - Scourge

• Base Damage - 46 - 48

• Base Armor - 3.1 (dmg reduction 15%)

• Primary Attribute - Agility

• Strength - 18 + 1.85

• Agility - 22 + 2.6

• Intelligence - 15 + 1.75

• Movespeed - 290

• Attack speed - 1.39 sec (+22% IAS)

• Attack Range - 450 (ranged)

• Acquisition Range - 800

• Missile Speed - 900

• Attack Animation - 0.3 / 0.7

• Casting Animation - 0.51

• Sight Range - 800




Great ganker

Not item dependent early game

Powerful ulty

Great dps potential


No natural escape meka


Mana problems early game






Indepth view of the skill

    [*]  Venomous Gale works by using Dummy units to cast Shadow Strike on all enemy units inside the AoE of the skill. Because of this, the skill can be considered a Shadow Strike spell for most purposes, thus this skill is blocked by Linken's Sphere.

    [*] Venomous Gale has a 3 second damage interval: every 3 seconds after the spell strikes the target, the unit will take the stated duration damage, for a total of 5 times in 15 seconds. The total spell damage for Venomous Gale is therefore 100/170/270/350.

    [*] Venomous Gale slows Movement Speed by 50% initially at all levels, with the slow changing as a cubic function to be 0 at the end of the 15.1 second duration. See the Shadow Strike Slow % Graph for a visual representation. Note that the slow changes in intervals of 1 second, but a curve is drawn to demonstrate the cubic nature of the slow.

    [*] The slow is not removed by Purge.

    [*] Venomous Gale deals Magical damage which is reduced by the target's Spell Resistance and is blocked by Spell Immunity.


Poison Sting



Indepth view of the skill


    [*] Buff placers do not stack.

    [*] Poison Sting can kill units as of version 6.58.

    [*] Poison Sting deals Magical damage which is reduced by the target's Spell Resistance and goes through Spell Immunity.


Plague Ward



Indepth view of the skill


    [*]  They have 600 attack range and attacks every 1.5 seconds.

    [*] Plague Wards deals Piercing damage.

    [*] Plague Wards has Spell Immunity and Marker. Marker skill makes this unit immune to most triggered abilities such as Faceless Void's Chronosphere.


Poison Nova



Indepth view of the skill


    [*]  Poison Nova has a movement speed of 500.

    [*] Poison Nova will have absolutely no effect on units damaged by Shukuchi (Weaver), if both spells are cast within 4 seconds (the duration of Shukuchi) of each other. Since the damage is based from the same skill (Phoenix Fire).

    [*] Poison Nova cannot kill units, and will only bring them to 1 HP. For maximum effectiveness, Poison Nova should be partnered with another Damage Over Time skill that can kill units.

    [*] Poison Nova deals Magical damage which is reduced by the target's Spell Resistance and is blocked by Spell Immunity.









I present to you - the DPS Build. In order to properly obtain this item build you need to solo mid. Purchasing the bottle as your first item solves two of your early game issues, low mana and hp. After the bottle you need to focus on boosting the movespeed, attack speed, and dps.


Do some decent last hitting, (fb) and gank top/bottom. Now you have to go/tp back to base. Buy Boots of Speed and a bracer. Don't forget town portals. I spam tp scrolls until full inventory.


Yasha next, followed by Phase Boots. The next item I find to be extremely effective mid/late game. Helm of teh Dominator. Orb effect, stacks with stings so np. To gain full advantage of the HotD you need damage, lots of dmg and attack speed..


butter.gifThe best item in this build. Bfly is your bread and butter. It gives Deathbringer the edge. Only a few can evade this combination of attack speed, phase boots and decent damage.


Assuming that this is a decent game and it's already late mid game, you need to focus on the dmg output. If you're feeling godlike you can risk with Divine Venom, but if you're desperate for +1 just go MKB. I've also added hyper stone for games that end before 40min mark and you need to bring devastation on the entire enemy base.





This build is dedicated to roaming early game, initiating ganks mid to late game and spamming Poison Nova late game. You can also support your team by placing obs/sentry wards all over the map. Dagger is the accent of this build. While Aghanim's enables you to literally spam Poison Nova every minute, devastating creep waves and heroes. Bloodstone is not a bad option too..


In different scenarios items like sup1copdjay.png could save you a lot of unnecessary emotions. It's all up to you..


Get BTNStaffOfSilence-1.gif in case you're facing heroes like Crix, Axe, Lion, Lina, PL, Bounty, etc.






The attack animation of the Venomancer is perfect for lasthitting/denying since lvl1. Remember that Poison Sting does DOT, so it's basically impossible to miss creep kills/denies.




Strafe or "sidestepping" is an integral part of my play style as it allows me to dodge incoming vector spells while keeping my view aimed at the target. In order to be effective, strafe movement should not follow any pattern (or else you can end up stunned by e.g. Elune's Arrow, Hookshot, etc).




It's actually pretty easy to kill one enemy, the tricky part while ganking with Venom is when you have two targets. Most of the cases just try to strike the two enemy heroes with Venomous Gale and then Nova, but sometimes you have to chose between the two targets. Or you could first use Nova on both of them, Gale the weaker hero and continue orb walking the other. Just go with teh flow..



Late-mid game it's all about team clashes, so either you're the dps machine flanking and killing the entire team or you're the blink-in kamikaze who's trying to poison as many as possible.


  [*]Using Gale


Targeting units with Venomous Gale is not much of an issue. All you have to do is make sure that the target is straight ahead and in range of 800 units then release. Upon impact it poisons the enemy unit. Poisoned units take initial damage, damage over time, and have their movement speed slowed for a short duration.



As you may noticed, Venomous Gale has plenty of AoE. You can also use Gale to finish off enemies..



The slow effect of the Venomous Gale is what makes it a great spell and primary ganking tool. Venomous Gale slows Movement Speed by 50% initially at all levels, with the slow changing as a cubic function to be 0 at the end of the 15.1 second duration. Here's a table that illustrates well what I've just said:




[*]Using Wards


Wards are mostly used for pushing/defending and farming/Roshan. You could get a ward kill but that's very situational. So go ahead, spam Plague Wards while pushing/defending. Place them in or out of tower range depending on what you intend to do (to deflect the tower fire, or to create a hazardous area that no enemy wants to enter).


[*]Using Nova


This is what makes Venom so useful in team fights/ganks. Although Poison Nova cannot kill units, and will only bring them to 1 HP, it has the power to completely shut down the entire enemy team or at least a great part of it. Also Venom's ultimate skill is very efficient against pushing creep waves. For maximum effectiveness, Poison Nova should be paired with another Damage Over Time skill. You should be very careful when creating the blast and must keep in mind that Poison Nova has movement speed of 500 and an AoE of 950 units.




The ultimate combo includes Dagger and Lothar's. You just blink-in, blast and wind walk away.


[*]Soloing Roshan


Venomancer can solo Roshan very fast at lvl14. Plague Wards help you destroy Roshan as they tank all the damage. Just spam every 5 seconds. Also while roshaning use a couple of wards as observers.



As you may noticed,


    * Hero - 5lvl

    * Skills:

          o Plague Ward - 3lvl

          o Poison Sting - 2lvl

    * Items needed - 2x Circlets, 1x Clarity Potion and 2x GG


Every ward lasts 40 seconds and has 5 sec cd and you just keep spamming untill it dies.. You can do it for under 4 minutes from base w/ no boots.


Hero Synergies


      [*]Best friends



  [*]Worst Enemies



Credits : killing machine <3


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Thank you for your guide this section needs improvement :)


anyway about veno i rarely pick him because i think he is ugly but with a lothars and a batter fly he is awesome

he is ugly hahahaah..... :P

nice guide man,i think you deserve karma for your work

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