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[Comment N' Rate]Liquify Based sig


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that's what i want to keep....that there is a little flow....

and the sig is black white...as well as the render,it is black white render only

go here

sigtutorials.com and follow one tutorial

then pm on msn with the outcome. If the outcome is the same it will be one of your best sigs

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go here

sigtutorials.com and follow one tutorial

then pm on msn with the outcome. If the outcome is the same it will be one of your best sigs


this sig is from gfxr from sitic but i had not a colourful render like this thats why i used this...

any good link?

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The first version is very good. Simple but decent one.


let me see


bg: no bg :S

flow: little ..

text: ......

colors: weak :S


tips: make easy sigs with a stock and smudge the render edges for blend


Man there is not only one way to make sigs. It's a new style and it looks good. Don't judge the way it is made but the outcome.



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The first version is very good. Simple but decent one.


Man there is not only one way to make sigs. It's a new style and it looks good. Don't judge the way it is made but the outcome.



I just suggest him an easy way to create sigs :S

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This is turning to be a LOLfight between 2 average users.


You should both read tutorials.

About the sig, it's a nice try, you gotta fix/remove the text ( better remove, no text can actually fit this weird flow)

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it seems you need a help look what a shit you made.

no1 asked your opinion ass licker...


yes that kid is older then you.

Fuck!Battle me or kobe,I dare you!

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