@echo off
title Game Server Console
echo Starting l2jfree
call setenv.bat
REM -------------------------------------
REM Default parameters for a basic server.
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx1280m -Xms1280m -Xmn320m -XX:PermSize=170m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xnoclassgc -XX:+AggressiveOpts net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer
REM For debug purpose (for devs), use this :
REM java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx512m -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=7456 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer
REM If you have a big server and lots of memory, you could experiment for example with
REM java -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx1536m -Xms1024m -Xmn512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xnoclassgc -XX:+AggressiveOpts
REM -------------------------------------
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restart
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
goto end
echo Admin Restart ...
goto start
echo Server terminated abnormaly
echo server terminated
# =================================================================
# Test server setting, shoudnt be touched in online game server
# =================================================================
Assert = False
Developer = False
# if true the server will be a test server (listed by clients setted up to list testserver)
TestServer = False
AcceptGeoeditorConn = False
# =================================================================
# Additional server setting, not required, can be left at defaults
# =================================================================
# Setting for serverList
# Displays [] in front of server name
ServerListBrackets = False
# Displays a clock next to the server name
ServerListClock = False
# If true, the server will be set as gm only at startup
ServerGMOnly = False
# This is setting of experimental Client <--> Server Player coordinates synchronization,
# 0 - no synchronization at all
# 1 - parcial synchronization Client --> Server only * using this option it is difficult for players to bypass obstacles
# 2 - parcial synchronization Server --> Client only
# 3 - full synchronization Client <--> Server
# -1 - Old system: will synchronize Z only
CoordSynchronize = -1
# Zone Setting
# 0 = Peace All the Time
# 1 = PVP During Siege for siege participants
# 2 = PVP All the Time
ZoneTown = 0
# Chat configuration
# Global Chat - Default: REGION
GlobalChat = REGION
# Time limit between using Global Chat in 100ms
GlobalChatTime = 1
# Trade Chat - Default: REGION
TradeChat = REGION
# Time limit between using Trade Chat in 100ms
TradeChatTime = 1
# If set to true, players who block other players will not longer receive their messages in global/trade/region chats.
RegionChatAlsoBlocked = false
# Player punishment for illegal acions
# 1 - broadcast warning to gms only
# 2 - kick player(default)
# 3 - kick & ban player
# 4 - jail player (define minutes of jail with param: 0 = infinite)
DefaultPunish = 1
DefaultPunishParam = 0
# Bypass exploit protection
BypassValidation = True
# Enforce gameguard for clients
# GameGuardEnforce - enforces gameguard query on character login
# GameGuardProhibitAction - dont allow player to perform trade, talk with npc
# and move until gameguard reply received
GameGuardEnforce = True
GameGuardProhibitAction = True
# Allow delete chars after nnn days, 0 - feature disabled
DeleteCharAfterDays = 0
# =================================================================
# Server optimisations
# =================================================================
# === Flood Protector ===
# set the initial size of the flood protector (should equal ~player count)
FloodProtectorInitialSize = 50
# === Items on ground management ===
# delete from world dropped reward items after n seconds. 0 - disabled
AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter = 0
# Time in secs after wich droped herb will be autodestroyed (default: 15 seconds)
AutoDestroyHerbTime = 15
# List of items that will not be destroyed (seperated by ",")
# NOTE: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!
# items on this list will be protected regardless below options
ListOfProtectedItems = 57,5575,6673
# also delete from world misc. items dropped by players (all except equipable items)
# NOTE: work only if AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter >0
DestroyPlayerDroppedItem = false
# Destroy also equipable items (armor, weapon, jewelry)
# NOTE: Work only if DestroyPlayerDroppedItem = true
DestroyEquipableItem = false
# Destroy player dropped items from inventory
DestroyPlayerInventoryDrop = false
# save into DB droppped items for restoring after reboot
SaveDroppedItem = false
# Empty table after items are loaded into memory - safety seting
# if server crash before saving items, on next start old items will be restored
# and players may already picked up some of them - so this will prevent duplicates
EmptyDroppedItemTableAfterLoad = false
# Time interval in minutes to save in DB items on ground, 0 to disable
# NOTE: If SaveDroppedItemInterval is disabled items will be saved into DB only at server shutdown
SaveDroppedItemInterval = 60
# delete all saved items form DB On next start
# NOTE: Work only if SaveDroppedItem = false
ClearDroppedItemTable = false
# delete invalid quest from player
AutoDeleteInvalidQuestData = False
# setting false can improve server performance on high rate servers
PreciseDropCalculation = True
# allows creating multiple nonstackable items at one time
MultipleItemDrop = True
# Forces full item inventory packet to be sent for any item change
# Note: This can increase network traffic
ForceInventoryUpdate = False
# Set the html cache's to mapcahe, ehcache, or none
# none load all html on startup
# mapcache is the equivalent of Lazy=True : load html when needed and keep it in memory
# ehcache load html when needed but release the html after 1 hour without being used
# If you have a large amount of players and you are sure that all html are used => use none
# If you have a medium amount of players but your server is quite powerfull and you don't care
# about the memory consumption, use none or mapcache
# If you have less than 80 players, and your server lacks of memory, use ehcache
# if you enabled ehcache, you can use this settings :
# max number of elements to store in the cache
# an element is remove from the cache after 2
# an element is remove from the cache if it wasn't used for 1 hour
# Maximum range mobs can randomly go from spawn point
MaxDriftRange = 200
# Minimum and maximum variable in seconds for npc animation delay.
# You must keep MinNPCAnimation <= MaxNPCAnimation.
# "0" is default value.
MinNPCAnimation = 10
MaxNPCAnimation = 20
MinMonsterAnimation = 5
MaxMonsterAnimation = 20
# Show L2Monster level and aggro
ShowNpcLevel = True
# =================================================================
# Additionnal features than can be enabled or disabled
# =================================================================
# If you are experiencing problems with Warehouse or Freight transactions,
# feel free to disable them here. (They are both enabled by default).
AllowWarehouse = True
# Warehouse Sorting
EnableWarehouseSortingClan = false
EnableWarehouseSortingPrivate = false
EnableWarehouseSortingFreight = false
# Enable Warehouse Cache - if WH is not used will server clear memory used by this WH
WarehouseCache = False
# How long Warehouse should be store in Memory
WarehouseCacheTime = 15
AllowFreight = True
# If True player can try on weapon and armor in shop
# Each Item tried cost WearPrice adena
AllowWear = True
WearDelay = 10
WearPrice = 10
AllowLottery = True
AllowRace = True
AllowWater = True
# Enable pet for rent(wyvern&strider) from pet managers
AllowRentPet = False
# Allow players to drop items on the ground
AllowDiscardItem = True
# Allow fishing disabled until all code uploaded
AllowFishing = True
#Allow boat
AllowBoat = True
#Allow cursed weapons
AllowCursedWeapons = True
#Allow Wedding
AllowWedding = True
# If you wish to disable the use of guards agains agressive monsters.
# Default is False.
AllowGuards = False
# =============== Test features ===============
#Allow Manor
AllowManor = False
# Apply default punish if player buy items for zero adena
OnlyGMItemsFree = True
# =================================================================
# Logging features
# =================================================================
# Logging ChatWindow
LogChat = False
# Logging Item handling NOTE: This can be very space consuming if enabled for all items.
LogItems = False
# Log GM actions - Only supported if used with AltPrivilegesAdmin = True
GMAudit = False
# =================================================================
# Community board configuration
# =================================================================
# Type of the Community board
# - full = new Community Board ( /!\ Experimental)
# - old = old Community Board
# - off = no community Board
CommunityType = full
BBSDefault = _bbshome
# show level of character to others in Community Board
ShowLevelOnCommunityBoard = False
ShowStatusOnCommunityBoard = True
# count of players to show on each of community pages
# Higly recomended to keep max 25 Names on each page, 5 names per row
# to prevent client side criticals
NamePageSizeOnCommunityBoard = 18
NamePerRowOnCommunityBoard = 5
# Show in red color Cursed Weapon(s) Owner(s) in Community Board
# Default = False
ShowCursedWeaponOwner = False
# =================================================================
# Threads configuration - Take care changing this
# =================================================================
ThreadPoolSizeEffects = 12
ThreadPoolSizeGeneral = 16
#Default 2
UrgentPacketThreadCoreSize = 3
#Default 4
GeneralPacketThreadCoreSize = 6
#Default 4
GeneralThreadCoreSize = 6
AiMaxThread = 9
# Thread pools execution priority
# default values are -1,0,1 (low/med/high pools)
ExecutorPriLow = -1
ExecutorPriMed = 0
ExecutorPriHigh = 1
#Packet LifeTime in miliseconds, 0 - disabled feature
PacketLifeTime = 0
#Packet ExecutionTime in milliseconds, 0 - disabled feature
PacketExecutionTime = 0
# =================================================================
# GeoData configuraion
# =================================================================
# You need to download files for data/geodata folder.
GeoData = False
######## All options below only work if GeoData is enabled ##########
# GeoData used to check Line Of Sight (LOS)
# Used for skill casting and mob aggro check
GeoCheckLoS = True
# Use GeoData to prevent movement through walls.
# No path finding, but objects will stop if they hit a wall.
GeoCheckMovePlayable = True
GeoCheckMoveNpc = False
# GeoData used for path finding ( CURRENTLY FOR TESTING ONLY)
# Includes PathFinding (requires also /data/pathnode files) and all character moves go
# through geodata checks (if a mob passes a wall, pathing is wrong).
GeoPathFinding = False
#[True]Loads GeoData buffer's content into physical memory.
#[False] Does not necessarily imply that the GeoData buffer's content is not resident in physical memory.
ForceGeoData = True
# Z-Axis correction for L2Spawns.
# Possible values: Town, Monster, None, All
# If you have problems with NPCs spawning on town roofs, change to "Monster" or "None"
# If you have problems with dungeon mobs spawning on surface, change to "Town" or "None"
GeoCorrectZ = All
#Grid options: Grids can now turn themselves on and off. This also affects
#the loading and processing of all AI tasks and (in the future) geodata
#within this grid.
#Turn on for a grid with a person in it is immediate, but it then turns on
#the 8 neighboring grids based on the specified number of seconds.
#Turn off for self and neighbors occures after the specified number of
#seconds have passed during which a grid has had no players in or in
#any of its neighbors.
#The always on option allows to ignore all this and let all grids be active
#at all times
GridsAlwaysOn = False
GridNeighborTurnOnTime = 30
GridNeighborTurnOffTime = 300
# Show Welcome html file when player enter game
ShowHTMLWelcome = False
# Show L2J License when player enter game.
ShowL2JLicense = True
# Show Newbie html file when player is lower to a level
ShowHTMLNewbie = False
# Need ShowHTMLNewbie = True
LevelShowHTMLNewbie = 10
#Enable Sayfilter (censores all words from sayfilter.txt)
UseSayFilter = False
#Show Online Players number at startup
ShowOnlinePlayersAtStartup = False
#Set time interval in ms to announce online players number (0 - don't announce)
OnlinePlayersAnnounceInterval = 0
# Check and delete unlegit skills on EnterWorld
CheckSkillsOnEnter = False
# ViP characters configuration
# Color of ViP's name (Must be RGB html color : FFCC00 = Orange)
# http://www.immigration-usa.com/html_colors.html
CharViPSkipSkillsCheck = False
CharViPAllowColor = False
CharViPNameColor = FFCC00
# Debug & Dev config
# Don't load quests
AltDevNoQuests = False
# Don't load spawntable
AltDevNoSpawns = False
# Interactive Jython Shell
EnableJythonShell = False
l2jfree ver 2384
to provima lag stigmiea otan xtipane mob otan perpatane kolane gia 1 sec kai pali sinexeizei
ite 200 atoma online ite enas kolaei kamia idea re pedes?
The Time Has Come!
Tomorrow, L2DoubleDamage officially launches! Get ready for epic PvP battles, legendary rewards, and tons of action-packed features!
Opening Date:
February 28, 2025
Opening Time by Country:
Greece: 20:00
Brazil: 15:00
Russia (Moscow): 21:00
Argentina: 15:00
Important Note:
The donation weapons, armors, and jewelry will be closed for 2 days for the donors.
Key Features:
100% PvP Full Balance – No Pay to Win!
Ultra Stable – No Wipes, Long-Term Project!
Siege Castles: Giran, Aden, Rune
Giran Siege Reward: 100€ Real Money! (Every week after: 50€)
VIP Autofarm: x2 Drop & Name Color Change
6 Grand Bosses & 6 Special Grand Bosses!
Casino – Try Your Luck & Win Big!
Daily PvP Events – Show off your skills!
Enchant Rates: Safe +6, Max +25
JOIN NOW and prepare for the ultimate PvP experience!
Check out the official links below:
Website: L2DoubleDamage
Discord: Join Here
Instagram: Follow Us
YouTube: Watch the Trailer
Facebook: Like Our Page
Get ready! The adventure begins tomorrow!
🚀 JOIN NOW & Experience the Best PvP Gameplay Ever! 🚀
🌐 Website: http://www.l2doubledamage.com/
💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/l2doubledamage
📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/l2doubledamage/
📘 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61573159438765&sk=about_contact_and_basic_info
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🔥 L2Custom.com - FRESH START/WIPE! 🔥
🗓️ Wipe/Open Date: 2025-03-01, 18:00 GMT+2
⚔️ Chronicle: Interlude | Rates: High
🌟 Key Features:
✅ Custom Items – Enhanced PvP Experience
✅ Full Buffer – No Hassle, Just Action
✅ Olympiad (A-Grade Only) – Every Week
✅ Castle Sieges – Every Week
🚀 Fresh Start – Dominate from Day 1!
Gather your clan, forge alliances, and prove your strength on the battlefield!
🌐 Join Now: www.l2custom.com
💥 Don’t miss out on the ultimate PvP experience! 💥
gia kai apo mena ligo help sas parakalo loipon
deticated server
Processor intel p4 3.4GH
Hard Drive 80 GB SATA
Memory 2 GB
Bandwidth 1000 GB 10 Mbps Unmetered
system: windows server 2003 32bit
startgameserver.bat dokimasa kai
l2jfree ver 2384
to provima lag stigmiea otan xtipane mob otan perpatane kolane gia 1 sec kai pali sinexeizei
ite 200 atoma online ite enas kolaei kamia idea re pedes?
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