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Geia sas...


Exw ena problhma sta ports apo oti exw katalabei... kanw ta pada sumfona me to guide ths Papaditsa.. dld

kanw no-ip account.. ola swsta... bazw ip k etc... meta kateuazw to programa no-ip duc kai ola douleuoun

roloi.... ftiaxnw opos leei k h Papaditsa to gameserver,log in

(dld bazw to acc. myserver_otiexwbalei_.net.biz  <-- kati tetoio) kai meta anoigw ta ports, dhladh....

1 pigenw ston internet explores grafw to k zitaei admin/password ta bazw k paw na anoi3w ta ports ta opoia einai :

1 - TCP    53      53    

2 - TCP    7777    7777

3 - TCP    9014    9014

4 - TCP    80        80    

5 - TCP    2106    2106

6 - TCP    2009    2009

meta paw ston pinaka elenxou k anoigo to "teixos prostasias twn windows" pataw "allagh ri8misewn" kai paw stin kartela me me tis "e3ereseis" bazw afta ta 6 ports ta opoia anefera parapanw k pataw na exoune

tik meta paw stis ri8miseis gia "proxorimenous" alla sumfona me ena guide dn uparxei to koumpi "ri8miseis" gia na kanw kai ekei add ta ports.... telos padon, anoigw ola ta programma(l2,gameserver,loginserver,IP DUC) kai grafw username/password alla dn ginete tpt.. san na einai down k to log-in k to gameserver anti8etos an alla3w to IP sto no-ip k to balw anoigei mia xara... prospa8isa na mpw k apo allo pc egine to log-in alla otan pataga to ok ston server dn ekane tpt k elege katw apo to ping 9999.


(exw windows vista, anoixto to "toixos prostasia",kai anoixto k to ESET)


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Geia sas...


Exw ena problhma sta ports apo oti exw katalabei... kanw ta pada sumfona me to guide ths Papaditsa.. dld

kanw no-ip account.. ola swsta... bazw ip k etc... meta kateuazw to programa no-ip duc kai ola douleuoun

roloi.... ftiaxnw opos leei k h Papaditsa to gameserver,log in

(dld bazw to acc. myserver_otiexwbalei_.net.biz  <-- kati tetoio) kai meta anoigw ta ports, dhladh....

1 pigenw ston internet explores grafw to k zitaei admin/password ta bazw k paw na anoi3w ta ports ta opoia einai :

1 - TCP    53      53    

2 - TCP    7777    7777

3 - TCP    9014    9014

4 - TCP    80        80    

5 - TCP    2106    2106

6 - TCP    2009    2009

meta paw ston pinaka elenxou k anoigo to "teixos prostasias twn windows" pataw "allagh ri8misewn" kai paw stin kartela me me tis "e3ereseis" bazw afta ta 6 ports ta opoia anefera parapanw k pataw na exoune

tik meta paw stis ri8miseis gia "proxorimenous" alla sumfona me ena guide dn uparxei to koumpi "ri8miseis" gia na kanw kai ekei add ta ports.... telos padon, anoigw ola ta programma(l2,gameserver,loginserver,IP DUC) kai grafw username/password alla dn ginete tpt.. san na einai down k to log-in k to gameserver anti8etos an alla3w to IP sto no-ip k to balw anoigei mia xara... prospa8isa na mpw k apo allo pc egine to log-in alla otan pataga to ok ston server dn ekane tpt k elege katw apo to ping 9999.


(exw windows vista, anoixto to "toixos prostasia",kai anoixto k to ESET)


klise to toixos prostasia kai pigene prosthiki thiras kai bale kai ekei ta port ena ena

  • 0

exw patisei "pros8ikh 8uras" sto "toixos prostasias" kai ta exw balei... na patisw tik?





btw kleinw ta ESET/toixos prostasias k opos les 8a douleuoun ola...?




prepei na einai klisto to toixos kanonika egw etsi ta exo :)alios den douleye

  • 0

oxi file m dn egine tpt.. (san na einai down to log in)

bgale foto gia na doume to problima sou

kai kita edw

# Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect.
# You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision.
MinProtocolRevision = 1
MaxProtocolRevision = 999

  • 0

ok, 1 dokimazw an einai anoixta ta ports me to "PFPortChecker" kai leei ok! otan omws tre3w to gameserver k to log-in m grafei error diladi :




to gameserver mou (C:\server\gameserver\config) :

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Game Server Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server.
# This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router.
# Dumbed Down Definitions...
# LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you.
# WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet).
# x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Networking
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname
# Common settings...
# - If you are playing alone on a test server
# 192.168.x.x - This is if you are on a 192.168.x.x type network (behind a standard consumer router) and want other computers from JUST the internal network to be able to connect
# x.x.x.x - WAN IP obtained from http://www.whatismyip.com/. This is if you want people outside your internal network to be able to connect to your server.
# If this IP is resolvable by the Login Server, just leave *.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default: *
ExternalHostname = myserver4128.no-ip.biz 

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname.
# This can be the internal IP such as or the computer's IP such as 192.168.x.x.
# If this IP is resolvable by the Login Server, just leave *.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default: *
InternalHostname = 

# Where's the Login server this gameserver should connect to
# Default:
LoginHost =

# TCP port the login server listen to for gameserver connection requests
# Default: 9014
LoginPort = 9014

# Default:
GameserverHostname = *

# Default: 7777
GameserverPort = 7777

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Specify the appropriate driver and url for the database you're using.
# Examples:
# Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (default)
# Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
# Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

# Database URL
# URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb (default)
# URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb
# URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database = l2jdb/user = sa/password =
URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb

# Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended)
Login = root

# Database connection password
Password = root

# Default: 100
MaximumDbConnections = 100

# Default: 0
MaximumDbIdleTime = 0

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc Server Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the server ID that the Game Server will request.
# Example: 1 = Bartz
# Default: 1
RequestServerID = 1

# True = The Login Server will give an other ID to the server if the requested ID is already reserved.
# Default: True
AcceptAlternateID = True

# Datapack root directory.
# Defaults to current directory from which the server is started unless the below line is uncommented.
#DatapackRoot = C:/Work/tmp/DataPack

# Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server.
# Default: 100
MaximumOnlineUsers = 100

# Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect.
# Warning: You must make sure that the minimum revision is always less than or equal to the maximum revision.
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Changing the protocol revision may result in incompatible communication and many errors in game!</font></b></u>
# Default: 146
MinProtocolRevision = 1

# Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect.
# Warning: You must make sure that the minimum revision is always less than or equal to the maximum revision.
# WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Changing the protocol revision may result in incompatible communication and many errors in game!</font></b></u>
# Default: 146
MaxProtocolRevision = 999

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc Player Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Character name template.
# Examples:
# CnameTemplate = [A-Z][a-z]{3,3}[A-Za-z0-9]*
# The above setting will allow names with first capital letter, next three small letters,
# and any letter (case insensitive) or number, like OmfgWTF1
# CnameTemplate = [A-Z][a-z]*
# The above setting will allow names only of letters with first one capital, like Omfgwtf
# Default .* (allows any symbol)
CnameTemplate = .*

# This setting restricts names players can give to their pets.
# See CnameTemplate for details
PetNameTemplate = .*

# Maximum number of characters per account.
# Default: 7 (client limit)
CharMaxNumber = 7




kai to login (C:\server\login\config) :

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Login Server Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server.
# This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router.
# Dumbed Down Definitions...
# LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you.
# WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet).
# x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Networking
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname
# Common settings...
# - If you are playing alone on a test server
# 192.168.x.x - This is if you are on a 192.168.x.x type network (behind a standard consumer router) and want other computers from JUST the internal network to be able to connect
# x.x.x.x - WAN IP obtained from http://www.whatismyip.com/. This is if you want people outside your internal network to be able to connect to your server.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default:
ExternalHostname = myserver4128.no-ip.biz 

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname.
# This can be the internal IP such as or the computer's IP such as 192.168.x.x.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default:
InternalHostname =

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you are behind a router which using its own local IP for Port Forwarding then set this to the routers
# local IP if you want people outside your internal network to be able to connect to your server.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# RouterHostname =

# Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs
# Default: *
LoginserverHostname = *

# Default: 2106
LoginserverPort = 2106

# The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs
# Default: *
LoginHostname = *

# The port on which login will listen for GameServers
# Default: 9014
LoginPort = 9014

# The delay in minutes after which the login updates the gameservers IP's (usefull when their ip is dynamic)
# Default: 15
IpUpdateTime = 15

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Security
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default: True
LogLoginController = True

# How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned.
# Default: 10
LoginTryBeforeBan = 15

# Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login.
# Default: 600 (10 minutes)
LoginBlockAfterBan = 20

# If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots
# Default: False
AcceptNewGameServer = True

# Enforce GameGuard authorization from client?
# If True, login server will kick client if the client bypassed GameGuard authentication.
# Default: False
ForceGGAuth = False

# Flood Protection. All values are in MILISECONDS.
# Default: True
EnableFloodProtection = True

# Default: 15
FastConnectionLimit = 15

# Default: 700
NormalConnectionTime = 700

# Default: 350
FastConnectionTime = 350

# Default: 50
MaxConnectionPerIP = 5

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Specify the appropriate driver and url for the database you're using.
# Examples:
# Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (default)
# Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
# Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

# Database URL
# URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb (default)
# URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb
# URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database = l2jdb/user = sa/password =
URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb

# Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended)
Login = root

# Database connection password
Password = root

# Default: 10
MaximumDbConnections = 10

# Default: 0
MaximumDbIdleTime = 0

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If False, the license (after the login) will not be shown.
# Default: True
ShowLicence = True

# Default: True
AutoCreateAccounts = True

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Developer Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default: False
Debug = False

# Default: False
Assert = False

# Default: False
Developer = False



3ana lew to ESET k to "toixos prostasias" einai kleista  na k mia photo apo ta ports


  • 0

# Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect.
# You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision.
MinProtocolRevision = 1
MaxProtocolRevision = 999

auto p kolaei re?

otan tha anigis ta ports tha ta vazeis both kai tcp kai udp.

  • 0

ma tou elege 9999 down egw edw ixa error mia fora

anyway, anikse ta ports oxi mono sto TCP

alla kai sto UDP.

kai tha dokimazeis ama einai anixtos o server sou edw.

tha vazeis to no-ip kai tn port.

  • 0

file m Apithanos anoi3a ta ports se ALL (TCP k UDP) alla palei kanei san na einai down to log-in....

down mono to login ? i kai to gameserver? kai den mporeis na mpis ?

  • 0

otan dokimasa apo allo pc me tin idia ip( (lan) proxwrise kanonika alla ston server m elege oti einai LIGHT k egrafe katw apo to ping 9999 k dn proxwraga... anti8etos apo to pc p sikwna ton server empena kanika...


ps: dn eipa oti htan down

  • 0

to  myserver4128.no-ip.biz  dinei oti IP dosw egw.. p otan bazw tin IP p exw sto internet dn mpenw san na einai down k otan balw (tou pc) mpenw kanonika... to 8ema einai oti 8elw o server na ginei online k na paizoun k oi filou m ......  :S

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