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[HELP]Skills problem



kalispera, ekana Soultaker test char ston Server moy kai paratirisa oti kapies fores ekei p paizw pvp stamati n xonei h xonei mia sta 5 skill p pataw dn 3erw gt symvainei ayto, kai oti merika skills mou exoun 0 Cooldown, opoios mporei na help as help, thx... ;)

P*S: xrisimopoiw L2J-BRASIL

10 answers to this question

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th ennoeis stamataei na xonei .. ?

cooldown 8a exei 0 ama exeis polu cast ...

ama 8es na ta fix bres to id tou skill traba gameserver/data/stat/skills kai bres to ekei kai alla3e to reuse time !

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to Casting einai normal, ayto den me pirazei t0so mporw na alla3w kai to Cooldown apo ta skills ta opoia exoun 0... to provlima einai pws ekei pou paizei PvP p.x enas NeCro Vs Archer, ekei p xononte o neCro stamataei n xonei den mporei na xosei allo diladi kolaei ... kap0ios help guys,thx

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To telefteo me tn mage p stamatai to fixarame sto telefteo revision.Ara to mono p mporis na kanis eine update

tora gia ta skills.

Pes m pia eine na ta dw.

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update pws mporw na t kanw file m0u? egw katevasa 1 pack t opoio itan san na eixe ginei Compile ap oti m eipan kai t mono p ekana itan na t perasw navicat kai na ftia3w kapia bugs//problems na perasw npcs, n kanw farm zones klp. twra update dn 3erw an mporw na t kanw ;(

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rwtisa pio panw an mporw na kanw update st paCk mou ( dn t eixa kanei Compile ) an ginete na min alla3w pack gt idi exoun mpei at0ma k exoun kanei  + klp, exoume ftia3ei zones k t sxetika. ti prwtineis gia na fix to provlima?

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