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[Help,and give a look]Progress during summer time!

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well, sorry for these cruel words im gonna say.


But how many faking days are u trying to make something this tool named photoshop?

I guess you have no talent at all, try to do something else.



p.s: always friendly

p.s2: hope to see you one day making masterpieces, but dunno..


its ok,maybe these words are hard but are comments,and i have to accept them

and learn something from them...well look,now you are maybe expecting from me to

tell you,you iz noub,fak giou etc. etc....no no i am not going to say this,i am just trying styles

i didnt have the chance to try them before...and i started from newbie tuts,so later i will go

in better ones (while i believe that its not for my level)anyway,just keep watching this topic :)

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As if I never made this post -.-.Well here's what you did wrong you blurred the background too much and made it look bad you used a hard round brush to dodge the upper right corner which made the lighting look so unatural as if it stops and then the rest of the direction the light was pointing at was not lighter at all.The text colour wasn't really needed what makes perfect contrast with a black frame?A white text which should be visible.Then the googles/mask your render wore was if he was in a jungle/savanah no match with the backround.Also was colourful making it look as if it's something happy.No it should be tending to b & w so to make the whole thing a bit more dramatic.I also left a bit more colour for the soldier so he stands out a bit more.That was my advice :).

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redo them if you show me the original you will understand the difference ......




you are right :P

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