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help npc mesegere den klini


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einai sta Htm tou Gm shop... des ti id exei o gm shop kai des pou odigoun (se alla htm)

den me to ebgale to gmshop alla otan piga 28 lvl kai eklise aftomata sta 40 pou alksa class kai ti ine to balance class
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den me to ebgale to gmshop alla otan piga 28 lvl kai eklise aftomata sta 40 pou alksa class kai ti ine to balance class

a lol.. epidi ida pws eixes target ton gm shop kai den to 3igises kala.... xD


kane search sta file tou pack s... me ligo apo to keimeno pou exei to sigkekrimeno htm.... dld "I am Campain Lucas .... " kai molis to breis pes mas stin epilogi Close pou to odigei.... (dld tin entoli)

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To ειχα παθει και εγω.

Στη archid ποιο παλια.

Δεν ηξερα τι να κανω και εσβησα ολο το tutorial.

Εσυ τι project εχεις?

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