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[Question] Posa atoma sikonei ?


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ligo einai? xD


To pc tou gamaei... an exei kai kalisindesi tote 8a xwraei molika atoma mesa....


Oi eteries  to mono kalo einai pou exoun  kai gamwtes sindeseis....


Ps: u can see your avatar?xD

oi eteries to mono kalo p exoun einai sindesi.

moufa olo to hardware.


ps: ofc i can see my avatar.

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loipon to eida to pc kai skeftika na to parw .. to mono pou skeftomai einai oti h ellada exei mapa taxitites ...Apo tin allh lew na to xoso se etairia .. dn 3erw

koita3e, perneis pc kai to exeis k g tn parti sou kai gia ton server sou.

allwste ti noima exei enas server?

pisteveis pws ean den exeis ena POLY KALO PACK tha mporeseis na kerdiseis kati se donate?


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to PC antexei 1000-1500 atoma xalara me 100 Mbit Uplink Port , to eixa petyxei k ego se mia etairia hosting auto pou les k to katalaba apo tin RAM pou aneferes :P "12288"

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mhn leme oti nanai

200 atoma + vale...

12bg ddr einai re paidia oxi ddr2 me 800 mhz p exoun oi eteries..

ta ddr3 vgenoun me 1066+++


an eisai stin elada to poli na bgaleis 100 me 150 me aftes tis Ga..... sindeseis

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