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[Share + Guide] Npc color name + screen shot kai...

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geia sas paidia eipa na kanw share to npc color name pou eftiaksa

to eftiaksa epeidi den mporousa na perasw  pvp color system :P

kai eipa na to murastw

epeisis tha sas  deiksw pws na balete mesa sto npc ta color pou thelete

kai pws na kanete install to notepad + download

loipon as arxisoume me to share






loipon to mono prob pou exei to npc einai

pou den dinei to 1 color gia 2k adena alla gia 25k

den to eixa diwrthwse kai soz gi auto

kai oti xreiastite tha to breike mesa sto rar to download link einai sto telos


to arxeio me onoma



tha to balete edw




to arxeio me onoma



tha to balete edw



kai edw




breite to arxeio



tha to anoiksete me notepad++ i me simewmatario kai tha belte auto





to .sql arxeio epeidi den kserw ti pathainw alla den mporw na to ftiaksw tha to perasete xirokinita kai soz gi auto



7802	31049	NPC Color Name   	 1   	  By DraGoN   	 1   	 NPC2.E_pig_ball_H	 12	  32	 70	     female	    L2Npc	40	2444	2444	0	0	10	10	10	10	10	10	0	0	500	500	500	500	278	0	333	0	0	NULL	60	60 	KENO	   0    	0	  0	  LAST_HIT  	0       	0	   0	        fighter		false


Screen Shot


screen shot 1

screen shot 2



Download Links


Download Link 1

Download Link 2

Download Link 3






twra paidia tha sas deiksw apo pou tha katebasoume to notepad++

pws na to install kai pws na baloume dika mas color mesa sto npc



as arxisoume me to notepad++


prwta dialekste tin glwsa pou thelete


kai akolouthiste meta tis screen shot





kai afou treksei to programma



download to notepad ++


Download Link 1

Download Link 2



kai twra pws tha baloume dika mas color sto npc


loipon pante edw



kai anoikste to

1.html        to arxeio

kai patiste deksi klik

kai patiste to notepad++





edw sas exw ti akribws prepei na kanete gia na balete to color


<td><a action="bypass -h Quest 7800_Namecolor 1"><font color="EDW BAZETE TO COLOR ID">Select Color</font></a></td>


opws i screen shot




kai ean thelete na anoiksete kainouria stili

diladi sto NPC exw ta color 3-3-3 etsi pane

ean esus thelete na balete kialo tetoio

bazete to


kai edw bazete ta 3 color pou thelete




<td><a action="bypass -h Quest 7800_Namecolor 1"><font color="EDW BAZETE TO COLOR ID">Select Color</font></a></td>
<td><a action="bypass -h Quest 7800_Namecolor 1"><font color="EDW BAZETE TO COLOR ID">Select Color</font></a></td>
<td><a action="bypass -h Quest 7800_Namecolor 1"><font color="EDW BAZETE TO COLOR ID">Select Color</font></a></td>


Pou tha breite ta color id??





oti xreiazete to npc einai mesa sto rar pou tha breite download link poio epanw



se emena kai bebaia sto google.gr

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Αύτο όντως είναι για κάρμα

+1 για την δουλειά σου.

χρειαζόμουνα κάτι παρόμοιο!

keep sharing

se euxaristw para polu file mou gia to +1

kai elpizw na se boitheisa arketa

me auto pou xreiazosoun

kai me to share pou ekana kai me to guide

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Αύτο όντως είναι για κάρμα

+1 για την δουλειά σου.

χρειαζόμουνα κάτι παρόμοιο!

keep sharing

dn nomizo na a3izei karma gia auto -.-''
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dn nomizo na a3izei karma gia auto -.-''

egw pisteuw oti to aksiza

etsi kai aliws kati aloi kanoun kati apla npc kai pairnoun +1

egw doulepsa oso poio polu mporousa

kai eftiaksa npc kai ebala kai guide pws na balete color

kai tetoia

alla ean nomizete oti den aksizw karma partetw pisw


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Siga re file pou a3izei auto karma... LawL!! epidi mas edi3e to nodepad (pou idi kserame)

egw pistebw pws den aksizei karma auto!


ma to notepad den einai tpt

apla to ebala gia autous pou den kseroun

kai den einai mono to notepad

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to eida to prob sou

esbisa ola ta arxeia

apto pc mou

apo auto to npc

kai to ksanaperasa

kai doulepse mia xara

exw L2jServer Rev 6395

den kserw mipws kati pairnas lathos??

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