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Kalhspera paidia exw l2jarchid (interlude) kai otan pataw se kapio npc quest mou vgazei you are either not ..... meet the criteria.

o server mou einai sto c:/ ... pws mporw na to ftia3w..? eixa to idio provlima me thn buffer mou alla to eftia3a ok alla me ta npc dn 3erw ti ginete...

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nomizw kai prin to evgaze alla dn eimai kai 100% sigouros alla allou einai ta quest kai allou h buffer... h buffer einai sto jscript/custom/ .... to __inti__ mou einai auto...



__all__ = [
import jscript



__all__ = [
import quests
import custom
import teleports
import village_master
import ai



__all__ = [
#'337_AudienceWithTheLandDragon', #quest works, but support for portal stones and antharas is not done yet,
#so this quest is not imported by default because portal stones will not work. Could be included if desired with no errors.
print ""
print "importing quests ..."
for name in __all__ :
    try :
        __import__('data.jscript.quests.'+name,globals(), locals(), ['__init__'], -1)
        print "failed to import quest : ",name
print"... done"

fteei tpt apo auta??

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