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WTS ACCs : TH/WK (Draco set + tatteos set + DS+MM-overenchanted)

  SE/BD (clear right now)

  NE/DA (Arcana set + tatoes set + arcana mace)           

  WS - 63lvl , Spoil 72 and 65 and 55, SwS 72, SE 74 , HE 74, EE 54, SPS 54, BD 55, WC 67,

  Sorc 40, DE 67, SH 72, TH 72, SR 72,PP almosth 78 (all are in equipment)


i can sell also some equipment like draco bow or arcana mace in short time


offer me here or on mail mostly u can catch me on mail  infinity5xdn@gmail.com


edit : + draco bow+f + MJ light set...

        and maybe power lvl


offer me just at mail i can check it here only 2-3 times per week couse needed to change IP/mac or what the hell ... (i hope its way hope to not get BAN so dont worry)

i wanna quick trade so all it will be cheap just offer me dont ask for prices (best offer win even it will be cheap jsut need to do it fast - if i will have more offers i will write the best one to each other on mail and u can decide what next.) thx

  • 2 weeks later...

WTS ACCs : TH/WK (Draco set + tatteos set + DS+MM-overenchanted)

  SE/BD (clear right now)

  NE/DA (Arcana set + tatoes set + arcana mace)           

  WS - 63lvl , Spoil 72 and 65 and 55, SwS 72, SE 74 , HE 74, EE 54, SPS 54, BD 55, WC 67,

  Sorc 40, DE 67, SH 72, TH 72, SR 72,PP almosth 78 (all are in equipment)


i can sell also some equipment like draco bow or arcana mace in short time


offer me here or on mail mostly u can catch me on mail  infinity5xdn@gmail.com


edit : + draco bow+f + MJ light set...

        and maybe power lvl




TH/WK (draco set DS+MM+overenchanted +with 3rd class quest and almost 1 000 relic and others quest,dyes +4-4,tattos lvl 2) for 250 Euro


BD/SE (DC robe set+SoM + with 3rd class quest+tattoos +dyes + MJ jewelery set+ som enchanted skills)

for 200 Euro


NE/DAretail lvl 60+ (both 3rd quests done he s clean right now but equip is not problem just ask what would u like) price for clear char 100 euro


others : char to lvl 40  for  15 Euro

                          50  for  20 Euro

                          60  for  25 Euro

                          70  for  30 Euro

                          70+for  40 Euro


All acc are with email ofcourse ask me only on MAIL  infinity5xdn@gmail.com


Don't mean to ruin your post man, GL in sale..



Im just so puzzled that there are actualy ppl out there willing to pay real money of such amounts!

With all the resources at your disposal here at this site..u can easily obtain any item u may wish..



Again gl in sale

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