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[L2J] Lineage II Earth


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ye agree better 3-4 max subs not that shit cartification pwnd

btw server is down atm :(


Ok So max subclass has been rest to 3 subclasses and official subclass restriction has been re enabled.


I hope this please people who were skeptical about joining the server due to this one configuration :)






Well i know this many not be the best news, but we have run into some stability issues on our server computer. Mainly due to the operating system we are using but we have decided that we need to reinstall the operating system and continue with other test/bug issues on the gameserver. Please be patient while we make haste to bring you the best Lineage II PvP Server. As you can see we have taken into regard player opinions as to the gameplay of the server and have effectively fixed any reported bugs. We hope you are under standing as we have moved the Server Opening back to June 15th.


I am sorry we had to move it back almost a week but it takes time for us to install the new operating system, not 5 days but we need the excess time to run tests to ensure that the server is in its best condition to accept players and its peak of stability.


Thank you for understanding.

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Hello dear l2earth players , I have to announce that I've got kicked from the staff team couse I scammed l2earth files , the reason that I did that is that Nig made me mad couse hes goal is to earn money from server so that means he made the server for money , he wan'ted me to host the server couse he don't have enough money to pay for a hoster but later he decide that me sagarat and he will pay together for a hoster and we won't recive any money from the donations so I wen't mad and scammed hes filles I will open hes project by my own .. add me on msn tigey92@hotmail.com good luck guys.

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Well the website of l2earh is fucked up abitt , I just did set up a smf forum for the server , I didn't work on it so much just made account on thier company and choosed theme and stuff I don't care so much about the forum I am working on a website right now.. http://www.l2oath.smffy.com/index.php this is going to be our forum

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