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Try adding some borders.

The text is a REALLY bad try, because of its colour, font, size.. generally everything..

The colours don't really match. You should realise from the beginning that the render's colours are badly matched, so you should either change a render, or balance these colours.

As for that kind of lightsource, it is very big, with the wrong colour and in the wrong place.. you gotta work on it.

The render is VERY VERY VERY badly placed. Try resizing it, focusing on its face.

That kind of grass is a REALLY bad idea as well.. It does not fit there and it's obvious.. Removing it would create a kind of empty space, but it would make the outcome kinda better.

Last but not least, The effects from SoFi's guides (especially the one with the 2px soft brush) haven't been used well. Since you see that something goes wrong, you have to delete some layers and re-start, or try to fix what's wrong by deleting some parts, or so.


Consider re-reading it.

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