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interlude [L2J] L2 Rise of King


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XP : 5000 X

SP : 5000 X

Adena : 5000 X

Drop Items : 5000 X

Drop Spoil : 5000 X

Drop Quests :  10 X

Quests Reward : 10 X

XP Party Rate : 1.5


* Interlude FULL version Server

* Working Hero Class

* Working Nobles Class

* Working Clan Hall

* C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude Items

* C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude areas

* C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude mobs

* C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude skills

* Custom Events / NPC

* Wedding

* Stable Build

* Newbie GateKeeper

* General GateKeeper (Original Teleports)

* Fixed Raid Bosses

* Crafting work 100%

* Spoil Drop 100% - Working

* Normal Drop 100% - Working

* Custom Events

* Siege 99.5% - Working

* Skill's 99.9% - Working

* Augument 100% - Working .

* Class Manager 1/2/3

* Auto Learn Skills

* NPC Buffer (Only 1st and 2nd class)

* L2Walker is not allowed. For using,BAN

* Geodata and Pathnode .


Enchant Info:

--Enchant Breakable--

-Normal Enchant:

*65% - Weapons

*65% - Armors

*65% - Jewels

--Enchant Breakable--

-Crystal Enchant:

*65% - Weapons

*65% - Armors

*65% - Jewels

--Enchant Non-Breakable--( obtainable by TvT auto event )

-Bless Enchant:

*85% - Weapons

*85% - Armours

*85% - Jewels

Enchant Features

-Safe Enchant : +3

-Safe Enchant Full : +4

-Enchant Max(Weapon) : +25

-Enchant Max(Armor) :+25

-Enchant Max (Jewelry) : +25


Also got some L2 RoK signature armor ( but not with starwars Bonus - only a little bit higher than normal S ) and weapons (not overpowering at all ) TESTED.


Server just got out from beta phase , freshly wiped and ready to go. The only thing we lack is comunity - SO C`mon JOIN US !


Join us and you won`t waste ur time - We are running from dedicated machine as you can check on our website.


Visit and Vote for us http://l2riseofking.ro !

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well... it`s new and I`m not gm there , only advertising it cuz it looks awesome, currently few ppl on but in 1-2 days it will grow to 30-50 maybe , and after those for more


C`ya ingame anyway

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You should spawn GK and other npc at every town and am i blind or there is no GK at starting town talking island ?


EDIT : The farm is ok.


EDIT2 : Lol you shouldn't end beta .No GK at starting zones no level zone no pvp zone grade penalty like im going to lvl in a mid rate server ... Wtf? Did server even got to beta?

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this is not a Lolserver with 3 seconds of farm and level. You get your mainchar lvl 76 , what else do you need ? lvl up from 40 to 80 takes 10 minutes lol , it`s 5000x goddamn , go and kill mobs stop begging for gremlins lvling you, and you can port from newbie towns to Gludion with normal Gk , isn`t so hard at all


Slower farm = less overenchanted gears / less boredom


~8 online , and still growing , server has 1 day since it`s alive / without advertising yet

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Seriously, played here for 1.5h and its MOST BORING SERVER EVER.


- 100% farm. U need ~37000 fire mantra,  37000 water mantra and 37000 wind matra  for a custom set.  ~100 000.


Each mob drop 10-15.. 


Also 12 gold bars = 12kkk where mobs drop 1-3kk cash lol.


Nobless quest is RETAIL BASED. no nobless item quests.


No bogs / top ls 76 in shop [ on a x5000 server OLOLOL WTF ???  ]



It should be pvp server not farm all day 8h per day wow.

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Pvp does not requires Bogs and LS imo , you don`t need 1000 active skills to own ? or you do ? failedppl


Aggr. Stop be nervous? ;<


I'll start download patch :P and check out that shit

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And not only that but the mobs totally hard to kill in fire farm zone they kill you .... count me out better play l2deathavenue than this "shi.T" server .

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