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[Share] L2walker OOG/IG dragonnetwork [Working Confirmed]


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Hi, I found this guide in youtube (I tried to contact with the autor but I get no reply) and I'm going to post it here because it worked fine for me and have almost no problems while setting it up.


I'm using the OOG version, and got some issues with antivirus and WaBy (Walker Bypass) but i solved them once, and now it works without any problem.


To get the server IP, you can follow Lain's Guide To get  IP/Port of Any server here:






Instructions (Copy+paste from the video comments :) )



Packet with files is here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J360AIYS (hosted in megaupload)[/url]



You need:

-MSWINSCK.OCX (included in the packet) (library you can get installing VBrun files for windows) if you type it

in google, u can get it in a few seconds MIRROR: MSWINSCK.OCX Descargar

You have to place int in c/windows/system32



-Custom HOST (also included in the packet), place it in c/windows/system32/drivers/etc



So, once you have pasted these two files we can continue


1) Get the server IP, you can follow many tutorials and search in several forums to get

the info. For example, for dragonnetwork is


2) Now open WaBy, this is a program where you have to place the server's ip, and then click start, a message

will tell you that is waiting for l2walker. DONT CLOSE THIS PROGRAM

NOTE: Be careful with some antivirus programs, it may be detected as a virus ( it creates an ip loop

change which is not allowed by many firewall/antivirus)


3)Now, go into "walker" folder, and run "l2walker"

NOTE: Sometimes you can find problems while running it, to avoid these problems, run it as administrator, to set this up,

right click on l2 walker>properties>run as administrator>ok


4)When you are inside L2walker, select Server,Char, enter ID and password, in few seconds it'll say login succeed,

entering char and...tadaaaa! you can play without needing great computer resources.


5)To open bot setup options click setup>options




I hope this works, if you have any question, fell free to ask me

but please, dont spam.



Thanks for reading!


Hope it works for you!


Credits to makastreteam in youtube  :o

             Lain (ip/port) guide  ;D

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Ok - i found a way :D

1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=63380.0 - use this nice Waby. If you have problem with this file MSWINSCK.OCX and waby scream about this file just google it and download then put in folder c:\windows\system32

2. Start waby - put login ip on DN - this one - and hit start.

3. Start walker ( i use 10.8.8 - still work best with DN  ) - put user and pass and all should work great. Ah you need to make litle change in set.in. Here is my for those who is lasy:














ServerList=[01]Dragon (15x);[02]Infinity (5x)t;[03]Nightmare (30x);[04]Arena (200x)













p.s. dont start any other program instead of Waby and walker.



I will to try again to do list:

1. use waby - ip port 2106 ----> inside archive with waby have some set.ini - forget about that file.

2. start waby ( If you have problem with this file MSWINSCK.OCX and waby scream about this file just google it and download then put in folder c:\windows\system32 ) You need the vb runtime files to run this! Get them here ! http://support.microsoft.com/kb/192461

If you have some problem with waby just read author topic ---->  http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=63380.0

3. download 10.8.8 from there http://rapidshare.com/files/202961337/l2walker_10.8.8.rar

4. modify set.ini inside this pakckage with this one:














ServerList=[01]Dragon (15x);[02]Infinity (5x)t;[03]Nightmare (30x);[04]Arena (200x)











5. Start walker, put your user, pass - and all will work.


6 p.s. you no need to add nothing in hosts file in windows. Should be like original windows hosts file - that is enoug



I found way how to log trough waby and 10.8.8 - then a lot of ppl copy my way in diferent forums and bla bla. Even there one guy caccolino copy my way for OGG and he made even own topic without any credits to me.

Anyway ppl not answer you cuz just look date on my posts above - september 2009. Many ppl there know how to log on Dn cuz of me :).

And next time may be before create topic like this you should look around for smth familiar :P.

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I have a problem, when I open Waby nothing happen..  I have disabled antivirus, just nothing happening :( plz help ;]

Hey "when i opened waby" mean nothing. Just explain better what exactly happened.. If you just opened waby ofc nothing will happened. When you open WaBy you need to put IP on login server first in waby, and then hit "start" button.


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And now i should ask you ( or every one who want to help you) - what is your version of Windows  - vista , xp, 7 :(

Cuz waby have different problems in different version. For god sake - try to explain little better your problem with details cuz we are not predictors and cant know by default what is your OS.

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First of all its xp. Like I said it just dont run, and since I paste all files from tutorials, I cant use mouse when I use keys on my keyboard (in l2) . Forget about it ill format my hard drive and use ig walker like before...

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