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As I said, if you want to ban me, at least do it with a reason - at least find a facking reason.[/color][/b]


You got banned for an img you posted (not the img you gave on the other thread) an img that webmonster had to delete because it was racist.


So mate, stop complaining about your ban, you are a guy who always provoke people into flame wars


I never insulted anyone before I was insulted first...


1st of all you should stop writing in black, its annoying to the view.


2nd you never insulted 1st? dont make me laugh, either you are trying to avoid reality, or you have a really bad memory.


you dont like our forum rules? simple! gtfo and dont make us waste time banning you every time you start doing shit.


no you NEED to get unbanned.Thiis is a violation of democracy


Democracy? go and learn what democracy is, then come back and use it in a statement.


He believe on the satan and?where are is the problem lol


lol, nice english.


We dont have problem with any belive, you can belive that your cat is a god, as long as you dont start flame wars about religion.



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i seriously don't give a damn what you believe, i seriously don't give a damn how many times you got banned, i don't even care if you are a satan follower, you can follow barbie too is not my problem, BUT as long as you joined this forum and you accepted some rules (yeah remember that checking button yup that's it) you don't have any right to break any of this rules.

Posting greek flag as a nazi one, is not really good, also you failed because you posted that picture while you know that the 50% of mods with ban rights are Greek,Greek who love their country and this god damn symbol you just posted as nazi one, they love it, because the know wtf that means for us, kids like you seriously can go to hell (i know is a wish for you but nevermind)


DON'T feel free to pm me if you got more questions.

Thanks ;)



ohh and about the rules you said, please check them one more time, you missed that part ;)


Also while these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.
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