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It dosent work for me. I can login but its all messed up. Cant craft.



What do u mean with "Extract the AbyssOOG.rar anywhere u want then open the map."

just open the extracted map :P


Patched with:

GMlist Anchor Party-buff PacketProcess Token


14:36:04 www.nudl.net

14:36:04 ňđóë˙ë˙

14:36:05 Link LoginServer Succeed.

14:36:09 Login LoginServer Succeed.

14:36:09 服务器[01]当前在线率:31.15%,能否登陆:能

14:36:14 Link GameServer Succeed.

14:36:14 ->Login GameServer Fail.





Yes it is working but ... lookout as I played on Abyss and their GM is one of the best Bot hunter. I did not know anyone who was botting as long as he got anything useful (mats, drops, lvl etc).

So beware and be ready to get ban ;)


Yes it is working but ... lookout as I played on Abyss and their GM is one of the best Bot hunter. I did not know anyone who was botting as long as he got anything useful (mats, drops, lvl etc).

So beware and be ready to get ban ;)

Yes it is working but ... lookout as I played on Abyss and their GM is one of the best Bot hunter. I did not know anyone who was botting as long as he got anything useful (mats, drops, lvl etc).

So beware and be ready to get ban ;)

Yes it is working but ... lookout as I played on Abyss and their GM is one of the best Bot hunter. I did not know anyone who was botting as long as he got anything useful (mats, drops, lvl etc).

So beware and be ready to get ban ;)


damn .. :/

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