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Road to revolution||Everybody check this please!


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Hello everybody!

As the most of you have noticed,lately maxcheaters is being updated daily trying to solve the problem of the inactivity!

Everybody who browses here daily knows that it's truth that maxcheaters is becoming more and more a spamming forum.

The most of ya may say that this will harm the forum but as a matter of fact lemme prove you wrong.

We the spammers are the ones who keep this forum alive,entertaining and w/e you can imagine.

Sorry for this little parenthesis but I couldn't skip that part of my post.

As I see that Maxtor is in a mood for updates,means good I decided to suggest some ideas that may bring the forum in a better situation than it is.

I mean that we need activity everywhere and to achieve such a thing I think that the following should be done!


  • Expanding some sections


It is really embarrassing to have sections that are unorganized and the best shares are in the last page thing that makes them useless.So in order to keep them organized and helpful at the same time we will need to expand them!What do I mean?Take Photoshop Section as an example.There are some good tutorials and shares that can't be found easily by a newbie but what does it matter if they are not sticky?

A daily user would suppose that the best shares are in the first pages or sticky.This will end up with the user missing the best part of the section.So what's better than making some more sub-sections?



I set Photoshop Section as an example just because it's the one I browse daily and am aware of what happens there.Other examples are:

*Gaming previews and reviews sections

*Gaming shares sections such COD,Battlefield and such other games.

*Aion section


  • Adding new membergroups,awards and teams

This will also help in the improvement of activity.There are some sections that are really chaotic.

You can't find anything and they are helpless.They will confuse you instead of helping you!

So what I suggest is to add moderators at the following sections:

*Gaming sections

*Aion sections

*Photoshop Sections(shouldn't be a part of offtopic)

*Spam and offtopic sections(including guides and tutorials)


In addition,some new teams like the spam team would really make the forum way more interesting.

You may have never thought of that but can you imagine of adding a new option of making your own team?For instance,the leader will pay a small amount of money and as a reward he will be given an award that will mark him as a member of a team.This award will also be given to anybody the leader wants to.

The team can also have its own -protected with password- sub-forum.Wouldn't that be great and interesting?


  • Give another chance to our legends

It's a pity for some member that spend days and weeks in here to be banned for some flames.

Giving them back their old accounts would satisfy them and who knows?Maybe the would get back to work as they were the first time.

A short list of those guys:










That's all for now!I hope you understand me and I won't end up flamed and this topic locked.It's just a bunch of suggestions which you should take into serious consideration!


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in other words you say we need ps moderators and u suggest someone?



oh come on

If this is what you understood then I can't say anything!

Even though some of these things will never get into maxcheaters , even though i wish they did


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in other words you say we need ps moderators and u suggest someone?



oh come on


I set Photoshop Section as an example just because it's the one I browse daily and am aware of what happens there.Other examples are:

*Gaming previews and reviews sections

*Gaming shares sections such COD,Battlefield and such other games.

*Aion section


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It need some updates. Last 1,2 years it had activity cause it was most an l2 forum and l2 was at it's peak but the situation has changed , l2 has a downfall , dota has a new rival [Hon] which is winning day by day more dota players , new famous mmorpg has been released [aion] , counter strike has it's downfall too since a lot of shooting games have been released like COD4/COD Mw2. We have to adapt to new things since situations changes , there is not only l2 in the world we have to be open-minded.


PS sections is a source for activity , use it a moderator for it would be great. Aion section would need a moderator too cause this section needs to be filled with information.


Adapt to new things , don't stay to the past cause we will be past =D

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It need some updates. Last 1,2 years it had activity cause it was most an l2 forum and l2 was at it's peak but the situation has changed , l2 has a downfall , dota has a new rival [Hon] which is winning day by day more dota players , new famous mmorpg has been released [aion] , counter strike has it's downfall too since a lot of shooting games have been released like COD4/COD Mw2. We have to adapt to new things since situations changes , there is not only l2 in the world we have to be open-minded.


PS sections is a source for activity , use it a moderator for it would be great. Aion section would need a moderator too cause this section needs to be filled with information.


Adapt to new things , don't stay to the past cause we will be past =D

Thanks everybody for understanding what I really wanna say!Well almost everybody!

so does maxcheaters ;)




Btw i also think that programming sections should be added

Hell,that would really help me :P

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so does maxcheaters ;)


yeap since it is most a l2 forum and the sections are abandoned. it has a lot of class guides and they are at page 20 , they don't deserve it.


mxc has to adapt to new things otherwise ...


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yeap since it is most a l2 forum and the sections are abandoned. it has a lot of class guides and they are at page 20 , they don't deserve it.


mxc has to adapt to new things otherwise ...


Exactly!Since L2 is not so famous and populated as it was 1-2 years ago,it's quite reasonable to have a downfall in this forum.

My point is that we can turn L2's downfall into maxcheaters' way to the top once again!

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I just wanna say that the most part with Lineage 2 are discussed here .. I saw few day's ago with a newbie who posted smth and Cobra had posted, month's or day's ago smth better .. and so on ...

I just wanna mean that Developing and Stuff related to L2 are done, most of them ...

That was my oppinion related to Lineage 2 Section :)

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