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Interlude Treasure Chest/Box

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Hello every1, so i wanna some help. Could some1 tell me how to edit interlude files to change name of Treasure Chest (lucky one with enchant) to Treasure Box, or put title if lucky. I tried to edit npcname.dat file with l2edit but nothing changed ingame. If it's not hard some1 share edited files or tell me clearly how to do it. Mine try wasnt succesful :)


P.S. Dont forget it's interlude (no need c4 files for crashed client...)




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I tried. Nothing happened ingame. If it would be helped i would not be asking u for help :) I chaged ~10+ ID names from Treasure Chest to Box, i know which ID is lucky which not not, but it didnt gave me any effect ingame.


So w8ing for replies.




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dmitry501 is right. It must work. It's like using Lineage 2 Utils for C4 but in a harder way.


Try changing all the treasure chest names to something else and see if that works in game. If it does, change only the good ones to Box and bad ones to Chest :D

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Did you use the search?




Try searching for "treasure box" or something to find other topics about it..

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1 more thing. I got new interlude l2 FileEdit and edited npcname-e.dat file, seems like everything ok. I found treasure chest ID (lucky ones) and renamed them to Treasure Box(es). Turning on l2 and guess what... All chests now is boxes... But just some of them are lucky. Dont think so i'm so dump :) I edited just lucky chest names... ID 182**, unlucky begins with 2****. So damn what to do now?.. Nothing helping to know lucky chests..

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Tried :) Just most topic is about drop-spoil for c4, no1 for interlude :) Or i can't see other due to lack of posts ;)

...did you even read the link I posted? Read the entire first post... blah...

I don't play on Interlude so I can't really help with IDs. Just check that other thread and read it...


PS: Don't multi-post, use the modify button if you're the last poster.

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A simple explanation for box-chests on interlude :


I know that on c4 there was two types of treasures and the boxes opened with deluxes keys or unlock.The chests was had the same attributes as usual mob and  they had droplist.


Now on interlude there isnt segregation between those old types.So  Ifound this :


I play with IG walker and i see mobs HP. If u are in an are with boxes there is 2 types of Hp's .For example u click a box and u see 2300hp and u click another box in the same area and u see 9000 hp.The box that u can unlock with skill or deluxes keys is this with the bigger HP.Check this .I hope that i help.Always open the boxes with the bigger HP from their neighbours boxes HP. In a small area there are 2 types of HP's .good luck

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