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and farm zones too small - thats all... (new ppl need to work very hard even to find a place for farm...)

ok now i have to agree with u :) just normal solo farm isnt the right way for a "pvp" server ofc u should be able to farm solo but mainly its should be as u said via reward for pvp raid or even some team events....


So as i see, u need to farm 1-2 months to be build it ---> FAIL


I think one of the most bad ideas, developing servers is make farm difficult, why?

Cuz, is a PvP Server" Not a Farming One. isnt right have to farm 1-2 months to start getting pvp's..


Just my oppinion..


Btw. Those n00bs in vesper killing me and im Dark Cristal.. They are -beep-ing idiots all..


Worst Community i ever sad.


Cya Server.


GL Joe. ;)


force ppl to farm on high rates is just stupid imo,i tested this server toke me some time to find pvp and test dmgs and skills its rly unbalanced,i was 3 days playing and i never saw 1 sinlge GM online,and for a just started server it means smth,all u can do is farm>buy armor pices>fail on enchant>back to farm on crap farm zones they got 5 ppl online 2 r boots at farm zones,as i wrote before if u wana a economy based server with farm for ur itens system make a low rate with 3k ppl online or u cant compete with dex,rpg-club,dont come here to post pvp server just b/c we dont need to grind for lvls it dosnt means we dont need to farm on ur server,btw gl with balance taking the time that this staff gives to this project u guys r goin to finish it in 2036 !!!!


i was read in the forum too about that u need around 2-3 month to get all ++++


so i wondering why some player already cry that they get killed buy player with full +16 and +18 skills?  :-X


i played there and i still test it but already can say seems as a fail....


ppl which join a 1000x server want there stuff easy...(i dont talk about all in 2 hours)

ppl who like farm dont join the server because they see it 1000x....


so what? best for u is increase the drop and/or enchant rate or lower the server to 100-500x


If you want easy farm go to another server.

Our server is set like this.

You think it will be interesting for people that make their stuff in 2 days to continiue play here; You`ll talk for pvp. But you can`t PvP 24/7.

If you don`t like the server don`t join it, nobody told ya to.


If you want easy farm go to another server.

Our server is set like this.

You think it will be interesting for people that make their stuff in 2 days to continiue play here; You`ll talk for pvp. But you can`t PvP 24/7.

If you don`t like the server don`t join it, nobody told ya to.


Go and make a Low Rates Server if u want +1000 Online and 3Years On. Off Curz if u have to pay the Dedicated..


Gl with ur server, u will need it... ;)


If you want easy farm go to another server.

Our server is set like this.

You think it will be interesting for people that make their stuff in 2 days to continiue play here; You`ll talk for pvp. But you can`t PvP 24/7.

If you don`t like the server don`t join it, nobody told ya to.


if all u can offer to pvpers players is farm i hope ur server dies fast..... rest in peace,i will not reply anymore to ur post and it will forget soon on the lasts pages of this forums and none will have to see this crap....


if all u can offer to pvpers players is farm i hope ur server dies fast..... rest in peace,i will not reply anymore to ur post and it will forget soon on the lasts pages of this forums and none will have to see this crap....


U sound Creepy xa0xa0xa0..


InPost: I dont know wth is expecting this admin making his server like that..


But Wth..

and it will forget soon on the lasts pages of this forums and none will have to see this crap....




if all u can offer to pvpers players is farm i hope ur server dies fast..... rest in peace,i will not reply anymore to ur post and it will forget soon on the lasts pages of this forums and none will have to see this crap....


You are pathetic.

You sound like an emo 12 yeards old boy that started playin lineage on interlude and never played on a serious server.

If you can`t understand and server`s economy then you dont understand the server`s stucture at all.

You think if people build up them selves in 2 days theill have something to do here?

There must be something that can keep them to interest, exept of PvPn.

There must be something more than cheap pvp battles.

You can`t understand whats this game based on...


is a good serve but boring, maybe is not what i want, to much farm, and to much brs pk/ksing you all the -beep-ing time.


u mean greeks....


@joe... if u got just this one idea with the farm... i feel really mad... there are a lot ways so ppl wont lose the fun at the server but just farming farming farming.... will just increase the deadly boredom


ok im

You are pathetic.

You sound like an emo 12 yeards old boy that started playin lineage on interlude and never played on a serious server.

If you can`t understand and server`s economy then you dont understand the server`s stucture at all.

You think if people build up them selves in 2 days theill have something to do here?

There must be something that can keep them to interest, exept of PvPn.

There must be something more than cheap pvp battles.

You can`t understand whats this game based on...


dude can u show me ur so strong economy based server? cause rly i cant belive that 3 ppl online at giran r doin all the farm to sell it on town square,and wtf u mean with structure u beat ncsoft with miracle plans for a new era on lineage or wat? cause i rly cant see ur whole new world from here just more of the same 2 farmzones with 10 mobs each 1 npc shop with high prices for everything u need, and 1 buff npc that dosnt have scheme buffs not a big deal...and again u can provide alot more without using farm to keep ur players busy but u r just too stupid to think in something new besides farm for enchants cya on ur next server with a diferent name in a few weeks ^^

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