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[Holy shit, i've a stalker D:]


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I wrote it some posts ago:


Her father is dead, she doesnt speak with her mother (she lives alone) :s

lol dude just calm down and carry a knife with you... or a gun XD whats so bad? shes a girl >.>

I got crazy fans too.. but i manage them ><

Anyway if u cant kill her neater dose she..so XD

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Anyway Grisom, i strongly recommend you to have a conversation with her, and explain politely, that you don't want to do something with her... I think she will understand...


So, unblock her and tell her :Sorry i had some work to do... Do you want to go for a coffe??


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Yeah right.. any way thanks for the "support?" i guess i can call it like that..


I'll unlock this thread once she calls/stab me, to let you guys know what happend.

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lol the 95% of the replies(advises) are epic fails (apart from the joke ones) :D i wonder if many of you had experienced same situations :D



died from laughing tbh

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