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FourBoxing On Dexternet (lineage.ro)


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Since Arion the new server of dexternet came up i thought i might show the ppl how to four box

Usually Sandboxie did work but they fixed that. Maybe there are easier ways but atm i dunno of any other.

The following method is very simple but you need a good computer for it :)



You have 2 options:

You either download VmWarePlayer (which is free) or VmWare Workstation(30 day trial)

Download, install and launch it.

I myself used VmWareWorkstation but it should work with the Player aswell.





VmWareWorkstation(30-day trial);




Now you have to install a Operating System  into the VmWarePlayer which is a 1 time thing (i advice you to install windows xp cos it needs less resources)

When setting the size of the Harddisk of the VirtualMachine you should keep in mind that you will have to  copy the lineage2 client into it so the size should be 20gb minimum.



After the installation is finished VmWare will prompt you to install VmWare tools on the VM. (If it doesnt go to -> VM->Install VmwareTools)

Now open up a browser and test if your internet connection is working inside the VirtualMachine  if its not go to -> Vm->Settings

and set the Network Connection to bridged if it isnt.-> Like in the picture





After you made your internet connection work you only need to copy your Lineage2folder into the VirtualMachine

So just take the Lineage2Folder and drag and drop it into the Virtual machine and it will copy it there (which will take a while)

After that you can just start the game and run 2x Clients in the Virtual Machine and 2x Clients  in your normal OS.


Well since the game is running in the VM you ll get a certain error everytime you start the game in it.

(Solution below Pic)




Its not a big deal you can either just press ok everytime you start it and dont care or download the following dll and put it in your system folder so the error doesnt appear anymore ( if you run the auto updater it will overwrite the dll data i offer you so you ll have to start the game with l2exe after replacing the dll)










So thats it:(DualMonitor is an Advantage)





P.s.: If there should be many requests of a more detailed  Installation guide of VmWare and the OS in it i might  add more pics and a nicer explanation but i guess that wont be necessary anyways.


P.p.s: The guide ofc works with dex and wrath aswell and might work with any other servers( except azure already tried it there once)


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Awesome work, im gona try it. But they dont block the IP after 2 conections?:S



Anyway to bot there?

No your ips dont get blocked its client wise only

Half a year ago you could quadro box with a tool called sandboxie but they blocked that

Ingame ppl didnt even try to hide they were four boxing but well rulewise its still not allowed so ;>

In the end it might be bannable but well i didnt post this for nothing in a cheating forum so use it on your own risk


it is possible to bot but well..

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

so its for ppl that cant run 2 cleints, or login server block 2 boxes from same ip?

on dex you only can run amx 2 clients

if you start more you cant login

with this method you can have 4 chars online at same time on same computer

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