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Hello ladies and gentlemans.Finally i decide to change my boring pc theme,and i decide to replaceit with MAC OS theme.Would you like to help me to find a transformation pack or something similar.


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I wouldn't suggest transformation packs , check this program http://www.stardock.com/products/windowblinds/

Give me a reason,why you wouldn't use transformation packs

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Give me a reason,why you wouldn't use transformation packs


some of them can't be unistalled plus they aren't 100% like the original theme [e.g. having win xp and use win7 transformation pack isn't like win7 theme 100%]

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some of them can't be unistalled plus they aren't 100% like the original theme [e.g. having win xp and use win7 transformation pack isn't like win7 theme 100%]

how i can install the correct theme?

the link that you gave me,doesn't do nothing

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how i can install the correct theme?

the link that you gave me,doesn't do nothing


i gave you the link to check program's name , search at a warez site for it , it's name is Windowblinds

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i gave you the link to check program's name , search at a warez site for it , it's name is Windowblinds

there isn't an another way to do it?i don't want to use program,only if it's transformation pack

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This is my desktop. haven't changed much. just added stardock's object dock, changed icons and changed background.


did i say to show us your desktop?


i need help

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I'm just saying! I'm just showing you my desktop to see if you like it so I can tell you how to do it too but if you're going to be mean about it ok ...

i want mac leopard theme for windows 7.

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