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Big Help!!


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I have a problem with my computer. I think the problem is on Windows XP. I don't know. Everything that is related to Windows is like a shit. You can't read the letters and the icons are defective. I thought the problem was on the VGA(Graphic Card) I fixed it(12 euros ::)) but the problem is still here. I am thinking if the problem is on the motherboard or on the processor or on RAMs.

But when I am playing games the graphics are fine and in Photoshop too... Sigh.. I don't know what to do/think. Does anyone have a solution.


Ahh I forgot. The VGA works fine on craftsman's(rofl, I could think another word of the guy who fix computers ^^) computer.

So maybe the problem is on Windows or at motherboard or on the processor or even on the RAMs. Probably is on windows.


Waiting for replies! It's important.

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You'll have to format. It's Windows that's having problem and more importantly your Bios isn't loading well so you'll have to format.[renistall Widows].

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You'll have to format. It's Windows that's having problem and more importantly your Bios isn't loading well so you'll have to format.[renistall Widows].

No!!!! Damn! I have format it more than 3-4 times in 5 months. I will try reconstruction. Hmm... Maybe is the problem on the drivers? Achh :( I don't want to make format again!!
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Then go to a company where they can check your PC. If i could only open it i could probably see the problem. But from what you said i think it's more likely that the Bios isn't loading all the features so it causes the PC to not be able to load most of the operations and more importantly to not be able to finish algorithms and be at malfunction

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Then go to a company where they can check your PC. If i could only open it i could probably see the problem. But from what you said i think it's more likely that the Bios isn't loading all the features so it causes the PC to not be able to load most of the operations and more importantly to not be able to finish algorithms and be at malfunction

Do you want to get in my PC with Team Viewer? I have 24MBps you won't lag. Come on, I need help atm.
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2.20 GHz Intel, 2GB Ram, 8400 VGA Can support Windows 7?


yes ,teamwiewer won't do the job i mean OPEN it for real not going into it lols.

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i used to format PC almost every month.

i had some problems with graphic(not like you) even tho l2 always runned normaly. other games were like matrix slow version x10000000.

when i got a new processor and a better one i haven't format anymore my PC since 7 months and never had problems anymore with it. even i got graphic card by motherboard.


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Ok, probably I will format it or I am going to buy new things for my PC. If you saw my last topic about PC.


Arguments on why its not your VC



1) You cna play games when something is wrong with VC you usualyl can't play games and you get driver errors and many other thingies

2) It's most likely Windows if it's not it's processor-related.

3) It's impossible for the motherboard to be the problem, believe me.



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Arguments on why its not your VC



1) You cna play games when something is wrong with VC you usualyl can't play games and you get driver errors and many other thingies

2) It's most likely Windows if it's not it's processor-related.

3) It's impossible for the motherboard to be the problem, believe me.



Yeah I know these things. Ok, lock it. Thank you for your help mate.
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