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[Help]Compile error



Hi i am getting one error while compiling

[javac] Compiling 1397 source files to C:\workspace\L2JTeon-CORE\build\classes

   [javac] C:\workspace\L2JTeon-CORE\java\net\sf\l2j\loginserver\SelectorHelper.java:35: illegal start of type

   [javac]     {

   [javac]     ^

   [javac] 1 error



C:\workspace\L2JTeon-CORE\build.xml:56: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.


Total time: 5 seconds

I was tried to do this:



How can i solve it?

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you are trying to compile a l2j server on your own? if yes join these 2 sites and chose on both the same version of datapack and gameserver.




example if you want gracia final chose these 2 files to compile





maybe you are not requesting for this i didn't really understand your meaning


p.s. this is the greek section. if you dont know greek visit the english l2j develop section

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Devil , you have an error in your code syntax.


Missing '' { '' in the beggining of the code.See at eclipse for more details.


@haker , he doesn't want infos about how to compile and what are the svn links for L2J.

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I am using l2jteon.The patch that i am trying to apply is L2Jattacker fix


Can you tell me with more detail my problem?


Well , first change pack.


Second , never use the apply patch method , install the codes manually.

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