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Hotelul Pentru Scriitori Netrebnici



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Nanel: cand

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ВЗИТор: ba :))

ВЗИТор: am vazut-o pe ma'ta intrand in casa :)) cu postasul =)) era intr-o rochie daia transparenta :)))))

ВЗИТор: ai avut dreptate cand miai zis ca nu semeni cu tactu

Zofei Adrian Constantin: shh

Zofei Adrian Constantin: sunt mama lui, daca taci iti fac si tie ce i-am facut postasului

ВЗИТор: =))))))))))))))))):)))))))))))))) ok



Zofei Adrian Constantin: ba :| cine a vorbit mai devreme de pe calculatorul meu ???

ВЗИТор: brb =)))

oare i-a facut ceva?

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Frankie™: Get a life!

Frankie™: or shoot yourself

ruptureanu catalin: in ce limba vorbesti

Frankie™: maidaneza

ruptureanu catalin: poi vorbeste in romana

Frankie™: mi-e ca nu ma intelgi

ruptureanu catalin: ce nu intelegi?



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kelu boss: bah

kelu boss: ce ghinion am

kelu boss: numai prosthti am in lista

kelu boss: knd le zik cv ies de pe mess


Walkman32 has signed out. (11/21/2009 10:41 AM)

kelu boss: X(

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kelu boss: bah

kelu boss: ce ghinion am

kelu boss: numai prosthti am in lista

kelu boss: knd le zik cv ies de pe mess


Walkman32 has signed out. (11/21/2009 10:41 AM)

kelu boss: X(


Parca era o alta versiune la asta din cate stiu.

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