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30 minute ... am mai stat la o voba


ciprian ,: ?

ciprian ,: ba?

kodrjn: e?>

ciprian ,: ce facusi la fizica??

kodrjn: ba .. fii pe faza..

kodrjn: vorbiram noi ce vorbiram.. pe acolo

kodrjn: se baga cu mine`n seama..

kodrjn: si la un moment`dat ma`ntreaba ca cica ce id de mes am eu..

kodrjn: ramasai wow!

kodrjn: ete femeie de 30 de ani ce face..

kodrjn: ii zisai eu id`u etc..

kodrjn: si o aud.. tu esti ala de pe bash

kodrjn: ramai pe toamna..

ciprian ,: )))))

kodrjn: eu .. pai cum doamna.. asa ceva e imposibill..

kodrjn: ea nimic ca m`a vazut ea pe bash si ca ma lasa pe toamna ca sunt un derbedeu.|. bagabont etc...ca acum intelege ce faceam eu pe la ore..

kodrjn: si are fetita de 8-9 ani.. uite ce face femeia.. o da pe fiesa de la pc ca sa stea ea pe bash si vada acolo tampenii..

kodrjn: ma si dete afara de la ora.. plm..

ciprian ,: hahaha bash !

kodrjn: esti prost?


ciprian , is typing...

ciprian ,: )))))))))

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adelutza9: smake

SmakE: da?

adelutza9: cf?

SmakE: p`aci...ma plictisex

SmakE: u?

adelutza9: sunt fericita ...plec in italia...

SmakE: muisto

SmakE: misto *

adelutza9: nesimtitule

SmakE: scz... din greseala

adelutza9: da da ... si marmota invelea ciocolata in staniol

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Journey to the Center of the Earth


criztiuca: din ce am vazut in screen-urile de pe imdb pare sa fie facut in totalitate in studio... pt mine scade calitatea acest mod de filmare


wasssu: S-au gandit ca e mai simplu, decat sa se duca pana in centrul Pamantului



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dopeman ruff: auziţi... ăştia din lista mea.. am o rugăminte, îmi merge foarte greu messu şi vreau să schimb avatarul dar nu pot pentru că am prea mulţi online... dacă aţi putea 5 minute să ieşiţi toţi de pe mess cât schimb avatarul, apreciez. mulţumesc



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Mutu: hahah

Mutu: imi facu taicameo spanac...si il bagai la microunde sa se incalzeasca sa mananc acum ca mi se facu foame

Mutu: si iauzi ce imi zice gagica`sa...


Mutu: eu mirat "de ce?"

Mutu: contine fier si scrie pe cartea de la cuptor ca n-ai voie sa bagi metal in el

Mutu: :))

MaTr3o Liviu: =))))))))))))))))))))))))))000000t=12y6

MaTr3o Liviu: 12

MaTr3o Liviu: 617612

MaTr3o Liviu: 6111

MaTr3o Liviu: mars

MaTr3o Liviu: pun pe bash

MaTr3o Liviu: =)))))))))))))))))))))

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klaxx: sal

klaxx: cum fu bah in Bulgaria?

yo_badboy: misto,cumparai haine...plm

klaxx: si in ce localitate fusasi?

yo_badboy: uitai cum ii zicea ,oricum erau multe masini de Beharca

klaxx: ?

klaxx: cum adik

yo_badboy: poi incepeau cu BH


klaxx: bashed

yo_badboy: nu bashed ba...beharca se numea

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    • Good afternoon everyone, we’ll get a couple of strong players in the CP, more details can be found here https://mw2.community/topic/211276-awr-team/  
    • so i bought this crap of the server few years back and i just found it laying around on my pc and i thought i should share it, if i remember correctly this crap has a lot of bugs that people abuse 🙂   https://drive.google.com/file/d/13QWg8pi4BPbGbTmlygZ078LjL6Fb0J2a/view?usp=sharing source   https://drive.google.com/file/d/13QWg8pi4BPbGbTmlygZ078LjL6Fb0J2a/view?usp=sharing system    
    • Error: Unable to access jarfile libs\Geodata_Converter_v01.jar
    • Since last massive leak as explained as 07/09 (notably all development branches), I don't accept anymore financial newcomers that easily. People will have to contribute 100 cookies worth of contributions (bug reports/fixes) as a first step to be accepted as Donator. Free user can join after sharing over 200 cookies out of contributions, compared to 100 cookies before. You can say thanks to RusAcis, and notably his worthless leader, UnleashedForce. The size of users will continue to shrink if more leaks occur, until true helpers only will be left. New prices are as following : Joining price: 200€ + 100 cookies, or 200 cookies This fee has to be paid if you are joining aCis project. Next month, and all other months, you will have to donate only basic monthly donation. Monthly price: 10€ / 10 cookies This fee has to be paid every month. I won't accept any new join fee before the 100 cookies contribution. Your money will be instantly sent back. Also, in the same shape of idea, actual supporters/donators have to be active to stay in sources. It doesn't have to be a particular amount, you just have to share from time to time *anything*. I don't accept anymore silent ppl. Only useful people will be kept.
    • @Kenrix Hello. my friend bought from you the panel and he told me that he haven't recieved yet his product whats going on?.
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