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C5 skill updates...

Most have MP cost changes, along with a few other changes to the reuse times, power, duration, ranges... The new MP usage should be about 99% correct, but the MP enchant reductions might be off by 1 or 2 MP. Average player wouldnt even notice it. Some skill aquires will also need changing. This is a work in progress, if you find something wrong, or have something to add, send me a message.


Info gathered from:


C5 skillgrp.dat




and some from playing retail.


Version 10:

-Snipe Effect fixed


Version 9:

-Backstab critical Effect Added

-Mass Slow range has been changed to the target base from the caster base.

-Curse Fear re-use time has been reduced from 20 to 10 seconds


Version 8:

-Sonic Storm Changed to use 0 charges. Now consumes 3 energy stones. Increased damage because overcharging still the same.

-Sonic Buster Critical Effect Added

-Sonic Storm Critical Effect Added


Version 7:

-Snipe Fixed Range

-Seal of Gloom added Mana Burn effect

-Aura Sink added Mana Burn effect


Version 6:

-Fixed Abnormal Level for Greater Heal and Greater Battle Heal


Version 5:

-Update Heart of Paagrio Effect

-Update Greater Group Heal

-Update Greater Heal

-Fixed Hate, Hate Aura and Vengeance to make player attack

-Transfer Pain damage effect fixed (TODO: check on near summon)

-Rage Effect Skill fixed

-Frenzy Effect Skill Fixed


Version 4:

-Double Shot Critical Effect Added (works but in test)

-Shock Blast Critical Effect Added (works but in test)

-Sonic Buster Changed to use 0 charges. Now consumes 3 energy stones. Increased damage because overcharging still the same. (works but in test)


Version 3:

-Revival effect fixed

-Duelist Spirit effect pvp added

-Bear Totem Spirit added critical effect

-Cancel modified effect


Thanks to andreagighi for the update.


Version 2:

-Ultimate Evasion added Cancel Resist

-Ultimate Defense added Cancel Resist

-Touch of Life added Cancel Resist

-Vengeance added Cancel Resist

-Lion Heart added Cancel Resist

-All type of Poison: Men -> Con

-Abnormal state of various magic: Wit -> Men

-Hate/Aggression Skill added "Target me"


Thanks to andreagighi for the info.


Version 1:

-Freezing Strike - MP Cost +100%

-Focus Death - MP Cost -50%

-Power Break - MP Cost +75% (skill enchant MP reduction not done)

-Attack Aura - MP Cost -50%

-Defense Aura - MP Cost -50%

-Confusion - Cost -45%

-Blinding Blow - MP Cost -50%. Reuse time reduced. Duration have been increased to 15s. Lethal Strike Effect 1 chance added. Tricks the enemy to show his back.

-Backstab - MP Cost +15%. Lethal Strike chance 1. (TODO: more needs to be added to the skill, will update soon)

-Trick - MP Cost -60%. Effect of target cancelation

-Bluff - MP cost reduced to 35

-Ultimate Evasion - MP Cost -50%

-Sleep - Base casting speed has been increased to 10 seconds.

-Berserker Spirit - Added Evasion penalty. Level 1 Evasion -2, Level 2 Evasion -4 (need to add cast on party only)

-Poison Bladedance - MP Cost -60%

-Dance of Medusa - MP Cost -50%

-Ultimate Defense - MP Cost -50%

-Deflect Arrow - MP Cost -50%

-Stun Attack - MP Cost -9%

-Whirlwind - Ignores shield defense.

-Hammer Crush - MP Cost -8%

-Earthquake - Ignores shield defense.

-Armor Crush - MP Cost -45%, HP Consumption +33%

-Touch of Death: HP usage has been decreased. (TODO: Remove up to a maximum of 5 buffs)

-Shield Stun: MP Cost -50%

-Vengeance: MP Cost -66%

-Iron Will: MP Cost -50%

-Shield Slam: MP Cost -50%

-Reflect Damage: MP Cost -50%

-Physical Mirror - MP Cost -50%

-Lion Heart - MP Cost -50%

-Sonic Focus: MP Cost -50%. New costs MP=5 and HP=25

-Duelist Spirit: Reuse time has been reduced. (TODO: Should increase damage in pvp)

-Sonic Blaster - Changed to use 2 charges. Reuse time has been decreased. (TODO: Changed to be learned at level 43, Critical Skill damage chance added (Damage x2). Critical Chance Increased)

-Double Sonic Slash - Changed to use 3 charges. Reuse time has been decreased. (TODO: Changed to be learned at level 49.Critical Skill damage chance added (Damage x2). Critical Chance Increased)

-Triple Sonic Slash - Changed to use 4 charges. Reuse time has been decreased. Ignores shield defense. (TODO: Critical Skill damage chance added (Damage x2). Critical Chance Increased)

-Sonic Buster - Reuse time has been decreased. (TODO: Changed to use 0 charges. Now consumes 3 energy stones. Increased damage because overcharging still the same. Critical Skill damage chance added (Damage x2). Critical Chance Increased)

-Sonic Storm - Reuse time has been decreased. (TODO: Changed to use 0 charges. Now consumes 3 energy stones. Increased damage because overcharging still the same. Critical Skill damage chance added (Damage x2). Critical Chance Increased)

-Dash - MP usage have been reduced. Duration have been increased to 15. Reuse time have been reduced.

-Stun Shot - MP Cost -30%. Effect of target cancelation has been added.

-Double Shot - (TODO: Effect of critical skill has been added (damage x2). Critical Chance Increased)

-Snipe - MP Cost -50%. (TODO: Range, P.Atk, and Accuracy have been increased. Skill use and skill reuse have been increased)

-Quiver of Arrows (S) - MP Cost +100%

-Quiver of Arrows (A) - MP Cost +180%

-Rapid Shot - MP Cost -50%

-Anchor - Success rate has been increased. Duration changed to 30 seconds. (Reuse changed to 40 seconds? need confirm from retail)

-Dark Vortex - Power is reduced, drain percentage is increased.

-Silence - Duration has been reduced to 30 seconds.

-Vampiric Claw - MP Cost +20%

-Vampiric Touch - MP Cost +25%

-Clan/Alliance skills area of effect has been increased to range 900

-Rage of Paagrio - Added Evasion penalty. Level 1 Evasion -2, Level 2 Evasion -4

-Steal Essence - MP Cost +30%

-Life Drain - MP Cost +35%

-Seal of Gloom - MP Cost +50% (TODO - Mana Burn effect)

-Touch of Life - HP usage has been decreased.

-Sanctuary - MP Cost -50%

-Holy Aura - MP Cost -50%

-Magical Mirror - MP Cost -50%

-Evade Shot - MP Cost -5%

-Charm - MP Cost -70%

-Sprint - MP Cost -50%

-Spirit Barrier - MP Cost -50%

-Entangle - Duration has been reduced

-Switch - MP Cost -60%. Effect of target cancelation has been added.

-Lightning Strike - MP Cost +50% Land rate increased, reuse has been decreased. Duration changed to 30 seconds.

-Life Leech - MP Cost +75%

-Shield Bash - MP Cost -50%

-Sleeping Cloud - Base casting speed has been increased to 15 seconds.

-Veil - MP Cost -60%

-Focus Chance - MP Cost -50%

-Focus Power - MP Cost -50%

-Cripple - Duration has been reduced.

-Focused Force - MP Cost -30%. Has been changed to use both MP and HP.

-Punch of Doom - Ignores shield defense.

-Burning Fist - Ignores shield defense.

-Soul Breaker - MP Cost -8% Ignores shield defense.

-Stunning Fist - MP Cost -9%

-Wolf Totem Spirit - MP Cost +400%. Cooldown 90 seconds. Run Speed +20%, Accuracy +3.

-Bear Totem Spirit - MP Cost +550%. Cooldown 90 seconds. P.Atk +20%, Movement Speed -30% (TODO: Critical Damage +20%)

-Puma Totem Spirit - MP Cost +350%. Cooldown 120 seconds. Attack Speed +20%, Accuracy +6.

-Ogre Totem Spirit - MP Cost +320%. Cooldown 120 seconds. P.Def +30%, M.Def +30%, Movement Speed -30%, Evasion -9.

-Rabbit Totem Spirit - Cooldown 180 seconds. Movement Speed +30%, Evasion +12, P.Atk -30%, Accuracy -9.

-Bison Totem Spirit - (TODO: MP Cost +355%. Cooldown 180 seconds. With HP below 60% P.Atk +43%, Accuracy +6, Critical +100. With HP below 30% P.Atk +43%, Accuracy +6, Critical +400 (note - going below 30% HP just changes your Critical, other stats remains the same)

-Aura Sink - MP Cost +50%. (TODO: Mana Burn effect)

-Thunder Storm - MP Cost +35%

-Shock Blast - MP Cost -20% (HP Consumption +100%). Ignores shield defense. (TODO: Critical Chance Increase)

-Revival - Reuse time has been greatly reduced. (TODO: Has been changed to complete recovery of HP, but can only be used when down to 5% of max HP)



-All Slow type debuffs are now 30 seconds.


Some Major todos:




-Transfer Pain

-Gladiator skills that use charges should only use the amount they need. Charges should go away after 10 minutes. Overcharging still should increase damage of the skill.

Might only be useful when the C5 client can connect fully, as all the skill icon information needs to be changed.


Version 10: done by andreagighi:




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    • Hello, I add this code here https://maxcheaters.com/topic/248730-agathions-acis-401-does-not-interfere-with-summons-or-pets/.     but i have problem with agathion movement, agathion does not move when the player moves. The player must stop moving for Agathion to come close him.   i think the problem is here at < _followTask = ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Follow(this), 1000, 1000); >>       public void followToOwner()     {                  if (_followTask == null)             _followTask = ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Follow(this), 1000, 1000);                                  int rnd = Rnd.get(-30, +30);         SpawnLocation loc = _owner.getPosition();                          if (!checkIfInRange(1000, this, _owner))             teleport(_owner, 30);                  if (_owner.isMoving())             getAI().tryToFollow(_owner, false);         else         {             if (!checkIfInRange(75, this, _owner))                 getAI().tryToMoveTo(new Location(loc.getX()+rnd, loc.getY()+rnd, loc.getZ()), null);             else if (checkIfInRange(30, this, _owner))                 getAI().tryToIdle();                              if (Config.AGATHION_HEAL_OWNER && !getCast().isCastingNow())             {                 if (_owner.isInOlympiadMode() || _owner.isInDuel() || _owner.getPvpFlag() != 0 || _owner.isInsideZone(ZoneId.PVP) || _owner.getKarma() != 0)                     return;                                  if ((_owner.getStatus().getHpRatio() < Config.AGATHION_PERCENT_TO_HEAL))                     getAI().tryToCast(_owner, 1011, 18);             }             else if (!Config.AGATHION_ONLY_FOLLOW && Config.AGATHION_ALLOW_SOCIAL && !isMoving() && !getCast().isCastingNow())                 broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(this, 1));         }  
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